Chapter 6.

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"Did you see Captain Aiden today?"

"Obviously. He's literally in front of us."

"Not that silly, did you see his neck?"

"What? Why would I be looking at his neck?"

"You're hopeless. It looks like he's got some sort rash or something."

"Oh yeah, there's like red marks and all."

"What do you think happened?"

"Maybe it's a bad reaction to a curse? It happened to my uncle once. Didn't disappear for days."

"The same uncle who almost drowned in a pond?"

"No, that's uncle Jeliple. And it wasn't an ordinary pond but a water vortex. That's how he ended up meeting his merman husband. The rash thing happened to uncle Antonio."

"Oh I remember, he's the one who married three people on the same day right?"

"Yeah and he was chased b-"

"Guys stop talking about your uncles. I think those are suction marks."

"For your information, my uncles are extrem-"

"Yeah yeah. I think Captain Aiden had a fight with an octopi monster. Professor Bellora taught them about us remember?"

"Oh I remember. That was before she had an affair with that criminal right? Man, her wife was livid. Worse still, her wife was the knight who caught him."

"Why did you guys get the interesting professors? We had Professor Silvine. The craziest thing he ever did was accidentally putting a silver toad in his purse."

"Isn't he in prison now for the illegal smuggling of ancient endangered creatures?"

"Guys focus!"

"The marks do look a bit red and purple."

"Guys, I- I just realized."

"What? That you've got an insanely low self-esteem?"

"No, everyone knows that Daryl. I think I saw bite marks...."

"You don't think...."


"I'm sure there's a perfectly reasonable explanation for it-"

"Shut up Daryl!"

On the other side of the field Llewyn and Aiden were walking, much to the omega's disdain, side by side. Llewyn looked like he had got his soul sucked out. On the other hand Aiden looked like it was his birthday that day. Llewyn had been fine in the morning. Dandy even. Sure his head and body hurt and sure he couldn't remember what happened the previous night but he had a pleasant conversation with his brother and Jade's lover.

He had written a letter to his parents and gone through some of the student's reports, most of which were satisfactory. But as soon as entered the academy grounds and spotted a certain ravenette in front of him, his memory restored. If Llewyn could kill his past self, he would already be dead, cremated and buried. Now the ravenette was walking next to him as if yesterday's events were a dream. Llewyn wished it was.

"Am I really that handsome?" Aiden suddenly asked catching Llewyn staring at him.

"People stare at horse accidents all the time. Doesn't mean they're pretty." Llewyn scoffed.

"That's not what you said last night."

"I believe you're under a misapprehension because I don't remember saying anything."

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