Changes - Abby

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Author's Note: So wasn't sure about posting this chapter, but going with my author/pantser spidey senses, I'm leaving it in. It might hit the editing room floor someday, but for now, I'm leaving it here.

The morning after the best orgasm of her life was quickly becoming the most embarrassing morning ever.

Even through Selah's smirk and too obvious appraisal, Abby didn't come down from the clouds she'd been floating in since Killian had spread her out on a conference table and eaten her like a holiday meal. Although when her friend's nose twitched for the umpteenth time, Abby couldn't stop the fiery blush that filled her cheeks.

"I won't ask for details," she'd purred with a knowing smile, "as that would be unprofessional. For Selah the Therapist anyway. As your friend, however, I retain all rights and responsibilities to dig, so spill! What happened that has you flushing pink from top to bottom?"

Feeling the heat flood her cheeks, she glanced down and groaned at the red tinge covering the top of her chest. Fluttering her fingers over her collarbones, she knew from experience that the pink would cover her entire upper chest, "I don't -"

"Before you even think of telling me, 'I don't know what you're talking about.' I'd like to remind you that as part of my new Omega preggo superpowers, my sense of smell is quite developed." At the prissy tone of voice, toss of her head, and emphasis on the word "quite," Abby nearly choked on a sip of her tea.

"Omega preggo superpowers?"

"Things have definitely been enhanced since the warehouse with Christoph. Our doctor says Omegas get all kinds of sensitive while their pregnant, but some of the changes with us have been 'more significant' in her words. So," Selah's tone shifted into something brittle, and Abby looked a little more intently at her friend, "she doesn't really know if it's pregnancy related or something more... primordial. I may or may not go back to the way I was before, or I may stay a little more Omega than I was."

"Malcolm's response during the attack changed him, and none of it can be blamed on pregnancy although Doc has even theorized he may also revert back after delivery. Malcolm doesn't think so though, and honestly, neither do I." Selah gripped her glass of amber tea in her hands and played with the condensation running down the side.

Abby tilted her head to the side, and the bitter scent of oranges seeped into the air between them, "What's the real problem?"

"Our doctor doesn't know if it's affected the babies." Selah whispered into the quiet room.

"Oh, Sel." Abby hadn't grown up in a family that sharing loving touches, but she was still an Omega and her instincts had her reaching out to her friend before she'd even thought it through.

Omegas could be touchy and territorial about other Omegas. It's the reason why Omegas living at Sanctuary each had their own room. Pregnant Omegas were even more snippy about their personal space being invaded, but when she reached for Selah and the other Omega fell into her arms, Abby found herself wrapping her arms around her shoulders and letting a gentle soft purr vibrate into her friend's trembling form.

"What does Malcolm say?"

"He says that everything is going to be fine. That even if the changes did affect the babies, it'll only be for the better."

Abby drew back and raised an eyebrow, "The better?"

"You know we're having twin boys and a girl?"

"Of course."

"Well, something we didn't share with everyone, because it's a little unusual, is how the babies are acting in utero. The boys specificially."

"Okay. Well, I don't really know much about pregnancy and babies. You're really the first pregnancy I've been close to. The breeding Omegas were kept isolated, and since I was unmated, I never got to meet any of the other Omega mates, so I'm not really sure what's normal and what's not."

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