Chapter Two

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My fear increased with every second as I stared at the gray wolf standing a few meters away

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My fear increased with every second as I stared at the gray wolf standing a few meters away. I thought my heart was coming out of my chest because I could feel it beat so fast as the adrenaline in my body pumped. I was alone and with no protection whatsoever; either way I thought of a way out of this, nothing looked promising. For once I wanted to go back in time, had I listened to Liam I wouldn't be here.

I had done the one thing I had been warned the most, walked into the woods when I couldn't shift, and at this very moment, I hated even more the fact that women weren't able to shift until they found their mate and completed the process. Even more so in situations like this, when that stupid nature law stopped me in every way to protect myself. As a result, I found myself scared and defenseless.

The wolf growled, the guttural sound ringing through my body and I knew he was going to attack. A moment before I knew he would lunge at me, I turned around and all I did was run. I didn't know where I was going, but if I stayed put, I knew I would die. So, I didn't look back and my feet kept moving with all I had.

"Help! Please help!" I screamed out of breath as I ran scared.

I quickly glanced at the wolf so close behind me that when I turned back again, I didn't notice what was awaiting me on the other side. My eyes widened in surprise and I tried to stop, but instead tripped and fell. I was on my knees and my hands met the humid earth beneath me as I looked up slowly. I gasped when my eyes met a bigger wolf standing in front of me with the same feral look the other one had. It took me a moment to notice this wolf was different though. His fur was darker, pitch black, even darker than the night and was paired up with rare blue color eyes that pop in the night like sapphires.

I stood up carefully, aware of the dreadful situation I was in. I couldn't back away and this time for sure I wouldn't have the chance to outrun both wolves. One behind me, one ahead, and I was right in the middle of both.

I closed my eyes as I prepared myself for the worst, for my death, but the growls that arose from their throats, startled me and I realized they were gazing at each other, almost as if I had been forgotten. Neither of them was chasing me, I was just in their way.

They circled me, preparing to fight and I knew at any second they would kill each other, and I had a chance to get away from this. I gasped and moved when the gray wolf lunged at the black one and both became a tangle of jaws and scratches followed by deadly growls as they fought.

I turned and ran, trying to get away. I didn't know where I was heading to, I was still lost and needed help. I stopped for a moment and tried to remember where I had come from or if something looked familiar, but it was useless. Nonetheless I needed to move, get as far as possible from the wolves because if one of them decided to come for me, I wouldn't be so lucky this time. I was about to run again when I heard a shivering growl followed by a cry. I turned to the sound and I heard footsteps, someone was walking through the woods not far from me. I couldn't see anyone and the only thing I thought I could do was to stand behind a tree and hide.

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