18 | I Dare You

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Okay, so this was it. I think I had never expected getting to this point in which I had to decide if I would stay loyal to my father, to my Alpha; or if I was going to save the man who I wanted to spent the rest of my life with, Mathew.

My nerves were tangible and I swore I could hear my own heartbeat. I was scared about what would happen but I knew what the correct choice was. I knew I was looking forward to spent what was left of my life with Mathew or at least any moment I could, even if it meant risking my own life.

"Are you sure about this?" asked Leila.I could see the worry on her face, also scared of what we were about to do.

"Yeah, there's no other way." I replied and we both stare at the pack preparing everything for the Luna ceremony. I was certain the trial would take place before the ceremony, knowing my father he would also make me watch the dead punishment. 

I close my eyes trying to blow away those thoughts and took a deep breath. I wouldn't lose Mathew today.

"Then, let's do it." I nodded and we went back to the Alpha House. If I wanted my plan to work out, I needed to look like I always did. But I also needed to grief so my father would believe everything was alright, because not only I was under my his watch, but Ben's as well.

I still couldn't believe how much he had changed over the past couple of months. All because he wanted to be with me,  wanted to rule next to me. He hadn't cared if our friendship finished, even Liam had supported me when he understood how I felt for Mathew. He knew mates were forever and he had respected that. He had showed me his support and the night Mathew was captured I knew he wanted to help. He was just being obedient to his Alpha.

Once Leila and I were in my room I watched as servants of the house went in and out of my room, preparing me for the ceremony. After what felt like forever I knew I was ready. A navy blue dress covered my body except for my back, that showed my creamy fair skin. My eyes were sparkling and I didn't know if it was the glow that Mathew had once seen in my eyes, but they looked beautiful. I looked beautiful.

"Wow, you are stunning." Leila said as we both stare at my reflection in the mirror.

I gave her a grateful smile and I took her hands in mine. "Thank you Lei. After tonight, promise me if anything goes wrong you won't interfere. I don't want you to be haunted the rest of your life."

"I promise Serena, but I won't leave you. You are my best friend." I hugged her tightly and took a deep breath.

"Well then, let's go. This is about to start."

I walked to the entrance of the house and I noticed everyone was waiting for me. I felt as if the whole pack was there, and I didn't doubt it. Lei gripped my hand for reassurance and I started walking down the path that led to where the ceremony would take place. My eyes wandered around everyone but the person I was looking for was nowhere to be seen.

When the path ended, I was astonished of how the pack had managed to prepare everything for tonight with so little anticipation. This part of the woods was adorned with candle lights and details in blue, just like my dress. My father stood not far from me with Liam on his right and Ben on his left. I was surprised to see this, but after what had happened it seemed my father knew those two were important for me. 

"Alpha." I said acknowledging him with respect and bowed, as well as everyone who stood behind me. My father growled and we stood straight again.

"Today, we are gather here to presence the arrival of the Luna, my daughter. " My father said and I tried to look confident taking a place next to him as he continued.  I turn to Liam and he gave me a sad smile, knowing there was nothing much to do. 

"But first, there's a matter that needs to be taken care of. As you all know, trespassing our territory is against our law. Anyone who does, will suffer the consequences. We can't afford this kind of danger, we had already lost too many lives in the past due to this, so bring the trespasser." He ordered and the guards entered the place. 

The moment I saw Mathew I wanted to scream, fight against the guards carrying him and curse everyone who had hurt him. His face was looking down and I could see gashes around his body and I knew how they had been done, he had been tortured. My eyes started to water but I knew my father was watching, so I took a deep breath and saw how my mate was thrown at our feet.

"You know why you are here?" My father asked and I saw how slowly Mathew lifted his head.

"Yes, but no law has been broken." He barely said and his eyes turned to me. He stared at me, his gaze traveling down my body. Our mate... My wolf cried.  His eyes came back up to my face and I held back a sob. I was so sorry and angry that I had been the one to cursed his future.

"You trespassed our territory, how dare you deny it?!"

"I dare you, I'll prove you wrong." Mathew replied back weakly, but with no fear. 

"I have a better idea." My father gave him a cynical smile and turned to Ben. "If you really want to prove me that you weren't trespassing our territory, I'll give you a challenge. You'll fight against one of my best warriors. If you win, you are free to go, but if you don't, death will come to you." 

I looked at my father shocked. He couldn't do this, not with Mathew so weak and hurt. It would be unfair, but I knew he didn't care. He knew what he wanted, and that was Mathew to be dead. 

"I accept." Mathew agreed and he stood up. He took a deep breath and I saw how his body shifted with difficulty, so different to other times. His familiar black wolf stood a few meters away.

Ben took a few steps away from us and shifted as well, ready for the fight.

Both of the wolves stood one in front of the other, but before it started Mathews wolf glanced at me. I knew what he said with that look, it was an I love you, a goodbye, it was everything. He purred before returning his attention to Ben and the fight started under my fathers command.

Mathew defended himself but never attacked, he knew he was too weak for it. On the contrary, Ben did nothing but to attack him, specially on his wounds and bite. 

I was scared, I couldn't lose Matt before my eyes. Liam took my hand and squeezed it, letting me know he was there. I squeezed it back, my gaze never leaving my mate.I watched every move, every hit, and I didn't know if I would be able to take it all. This felt like torture.

"Serena." Liam whispered close to me. "Calm down, I can hear your breathing."

I nodded and kept watching. Ben was going to win. I didn't want to accept it but Matt was so weak. I sobbed and wiped with my knuckle the tears threatening to fall.

"Serena, calm down." Liam said once more. If my father saw how altered I was, he would probably killed Mathew himself.

Ben growled at Mathew and gave him a murderous look. Mathew glanced at me and bowed his head, like he was giving up. Like he knew what would happen next and I couldn't stop myself.


"I'm sorry Liam, I can't take it any longer." I said to him and ran in between the wolves, just as Ben was getting ready to take Mathew down. He stopped when he saw me standing in front of Matt in a protective way. I heard several whispers and gasps from the pack, but never left his side.

"Serena!" My father exclaimed with anger. "What are you doing?!"

I took a deep breath and looked at Leila. She wasn't far form the crowd. She nodded at me and I turned to my father, with all the strength and courage I had left. 

"This man has not broken any law. He has done nothing but to love me. He is my true mate and I won't let anyone hurt him anymore, you can bet on it."

Hello everyone!
I know it's been a while and I'm sorry. But school is finally over and I can focus on Forbidden.
I hoped you have liked this chapter, I loved writing it.
Please leave your comments down below. What do you think about it?
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All my love,
Isabelle, xo.

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