25 | Aftermath Part 1

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When we returned to the Pack, Michael, Mathew's father and everyone was waiting for us at the main House. They quickly helped us taking care of the wounded, specially Liam. Ben had hit him pretty hard and he was slowly recovering. He had some broken bones and a few gashes but thankfully nothing too serious to worry about. 

Mathew's wounds were also being taken care of and meanwhile he was quickly telling his father how things had gone. Michael never left his side. I looked at them from afar, wanting to be alone. Liam and my mate may had wounds that easily healed, but not me. I was hurting. I still couldn't grasp the idea of my father being dead and I didn't know if I had to be grateful for  saving Matt, because he dying instead.

"Hey." Leila sat next to me. She had a a teary look. "Serena, I'm really sorry." 

I nodded and turned to her. I gave her a small smile as my tears rolled down my cheeks. "I know. Thank you for helping me with everything."

"I'm always gonna be here for you." 

I hugged her and let myself cry in her arms. This was the first time in many years I felt this way. So lost and so hurt. It was one thing being mad with my dad, but it was way another to lose him and know that you were alone. And yeah, maybe even if my he had reassured me I had a family now, he was missing. For all I know, he was now reunited with mom.

⌘ ⌘ ⌘

The next day I came down to the medical area in the Pack to check how Liam was. I went into the room and he was already awake.

"Hey there." I said. "How are you feeling?" 

He smiled and winked an eye. "Great." I arched my eyebrow and he held his hands up. "Better than yesterday. Ben did hit me pretty hard. I was actually thinking, what would have happened if we had fought for you?" His question took me by surprised. "Do you think he would have won?" 

I shook my head and grasped his hand. "No. Ben never had a chance."


"Because there's a reason why our goddess mated me with Matt and you turned into my Beta." I reassure him. "Things don't happen by mistake and he clearly wasn't in the picture." 

"How can you be so sure?" 

"Because like you, I've been thinking too." I sighed and continued, "The night of the bonfire, I went into the woods instead of leaving like you had said. And if I hadn't, I would've never found my mate and nothing  of this would have happened."

Liam nodded and smirked at me. "Well, maybe we could have been a nice couple." We both laughed at his comment that seemed pretty ridiculous after everything we'd been through. 

"Yeah, I don't think so." I walked to the door ready to leave and gave him one last look. "I never got the chance to thank you Liam. You were really destined to be my second and my Beta. You understood everything from the beginning without putting up a fight, and I couldn't be more grateful for your support."

He made a small bowed in his laid position. "Luna."


Hey there! I just want to say, I know this is a very short chapter but I'll be posting tomorrow the second part. 

I want to thank everyone who has read so far and I would love you to leave me a comment telling me what do you think will happen next. Don't forget to vote & share & follow, please! :)

Until next update,

Isabelle, xo.

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