19 | Luna

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"What do you think you are doing?" My father asked, anger clear on his face.

"I'm doing what's right." I said and turned to the crowd. "This man has done nothing wrong, he is innocent and I can prove it. 

"There's nothing to prove Serena. You are a disappointment to this Pack." 

My father nodded and in seconds I saw guards taking Mathew, who had already shifted and before I was able to do object, another pair of guards were restraining me. 

"Leave him alone!" I said trying to lose their hold, watching as every guard kicked and hurt Mathew to stop him from shifting. 

"This is unacceptable, take her to the dungeons. We must continue, this man has already sealed his fate." He stated and the guards started taking me away.

I watched as they started hurting Mathew even more. Tears rolled down my cheeks. This was not supposed to finish this way. I couldn't allow it, there had to be something else I could do. Even if it was the last thing I did. 

"Stop it father!" I made the guards stopped and continued. "You are only doing this because you haven't had the revenge for what happened  to mom, but this is not the way. You can't blame anyone who doesn't belong to this pack for what happened. You are great a leader dad, but when it comes to this your judge is blinded and I won't let you give me the same fate as you. I won't be mateless. I won't let you." 

My father stopped everything he was doing the moment I mentioned about mom, because he knew I was right. I knew he was only doing this because he was afraid. He had lost his mate, my mother, years ago and it had terribly hurt him. He had changed, anger and revenged ruled his life, but not anymore. I needed to change that, I needed to prove him wrong. 

"Maybe you are right. I am mad, and I want revenge, but for now, you know our law. Any intruder with no permission whatsoever must die." He made a sign to Ben and I knew even if my words had affected him, he wouldn't change his mind. 

Mathew, out mate...No! No! No! My wolf cried in anger and that's when I felt it. 

I felt my whole body shake, a sudden heat taking all over. My breathing faltered and a slice of pain came through. My muscles ached like they've never had, my knees wobbled and I felt a strange electricity running through my veins. I was shifting, for the very first time. I screamed in pain feeling my bones crack and my body change. I had never shifted and I knew now why. I had a reason, Mathew. 

After what felt like a lifetime of pain, I knew I was ready. The whole pack was watching me in awe and shock. Everyone had stopped, just to watch me, even my father was looking at me in surprise. 

"She's a white wolf." I heard a woman whisper and I understood why everyone stared. 

There had only been one white wolf in this Pack, and it had been my mother. White meant pure and worthy, and I knew my time as Luna had come. 

I saw how the guards tried to trap me again and I pushed them aside, trying not to hurt them. My fight wasn't with them. I ran until I was in front of Ben who had his hold on Mathew. 

I growled and I felt the mind link. Leave him alone.

Ben looked at my father not really sure of what to say, and I growled again. This time, Ben started kneeling like he was in pain until he bowed before me. Liam whispered a few meters away. "Luna." before he knelt and bowed. After a couple of seconds, the whole pack had taken the same position and I knew what that meant. 

Now I had the power, I was the Luna and I would lead this pack. 

The only person who had not bowed was my father who couldn't tear his eyes off of me, like he couldn't believe what was before him. 


I growled, angry that he didn't respect me. Bow, even my wolf commanded. I walked until he was facing me and growled once more. He slowly knelt and before he bowed, he said. "Luna." 

I growled again, but this time accepting everyone's respect. 

I saw everyone stood up, still looking at me in awe wondering what I would do next, but I only had one thing on my mind. 

Take my father to the dungeons, I mind linked to the guards. He needed to stay away, to think and realize everything he had done and get over what had happened years ago. The guards nodded and did as I ordered. This ceremony is over, you can go back to your houses. Thank you. I mind linked every member of the pack. 

Everyone started leaving, but I noticed only Leila, Ben and Liam had lingered. 

I shifted back and Liam was quickly by my side giving me his shirt in order to cover my nakedness. "Thank you." I smiled gratefully.

I knelt and held Mathew in my arms. "Are you okay?" I asked as I saw his bruised face slowly healing. 

"Yes. I'm proud of you Serena, my beautiful Luna." He said and caressed my face, his weak voice grazing my soul.

"I thought I would lose you today, you know." I sobbed. "Mathew, I love you so much." 

"I love you too." He hugged me and I breathed his scent. "You won't lose me, ever." 

I turned my head to his and kissed him, savoring and pouring all my feeling in the kiss. Letting him know my heart was and I would be his...forever. When we separated, he smiled.

I pecked him once more before standing and helping him to stand up too. I turned to Ben and I saw sadness in his eyes, and even though he used to be a great friend, I know I needed to teach him a lesson. 

His anger, like my father's, had almost made me lose Mathew once more.

"Ben..." I said but before I finished, he interrupted.

"I'm sorry Serena." He said and turned around, running away from us and into the woods.

"Do you want me to stop him?" Liam asked next to me. 

"No, let him go. He'll come back, I'm certain." I said, knowing he felt guilty and sooner or later he would return and pay for what he'd done.


Hello everyone!

I hope you are having a great day and had enjoyed this chapter! 

I received so much feedback in last chapter and I want to thank all of you! What do you think will happen next? Leave me your comments, please!

Don't forget to vote and share the story, please! :)

Until next chapter, all my love..

-Isabelle, xo. 

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