11 | Discover

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I couldn't stop the anxiety that had ruled my body all week. A few days had passed since Ben had gone crazy mad and confronted me about the 'mysterious wolf'. He hadn't said a name, but minutes after, he had left me stranded in my room, afraid and wondering how the hell he knew about Mathew.

The thing was, I was not even sure if he talked about Matt.

Since that day I had been so careful every night I went to see him and deep down I knew he had noticed I was acting different, but I didn't want to risk his pack and or worry him. He had enough work by being an Alpha.

He didn't know about Ben or Liam or the fight. He had no idea that soon I would have to choose a mate under my fathers order, and it couldn't be him.

"Serena, focus!" I heard the woman in charge of showing me everything I needed to learn for the ceremony,  scolding me for the fourth time. 

"I'm sorry." I whispered and continued reading. "I promise to the pack, with my heart, my wolf and my body that I'll protect you all. I'll take care of you always, cause from this day forward we are family..." I stopped when I got interrupted.

"You have to say it like you mean it Serena." The red hair woman said and shook his head. "It's enough for today. " 

She stood up and everyone who was there helping too, leaving me all alone, lost in my own thoughts and misery. 

⌘ ⌘ ⌘

I took a deep breath and saw the crescent moon shining in the dark night. It was time to go.  I sneaked out of the Alpha House and went into the forest. I needed Mathew and I needed him soon. 

It seemed every day we grew more attached and he was like a drug. And today, after a terrible week, I needed the comfort of being in his arms, of his soft kisses scattered all over my neck, my lips. 

As soon as I saw the cottage, a smile spread on my face. He opened the door to receive me and I couldn't stop myself. I ran to him and jumped into his arms. "I missed you." I whispered before our lips crashed each other. His hands gripped my hips but then traveled softly to rest on my behind. We pulled away for a second, "I missed you too."

I smiled and kissed him again. I couldn't get enough. He pulled me up by my legs and I circled his waist with them. He pressed me to the cottage door and his hips softly thrusted into mine. "Mathew." I moan under my breath.

I could feel my wolf wanting, pleading for more. A make out session was not all she wanted and I was trying to resist wanting the same, although I wasn't sure if I could hold back any longer. But before I could tell him, he put me down and placed me behind his back, protecting me. 

"What's going on?" I asked as I felt him growl. 

We stayed in silence and I looked at the woods trying to find something but all I saw was the pitch black night. Mathew growled again and I knew something was wrong. 

"There's someone there, watching us." He said and changed his position, he was preparing to fight.

"Is it from the pack?" I asked.

"Not from mine." He answered. "Probably yours, there's a slight scent of you.." he turned to me and I took a step closer to the woods. I took a deep breath and instantly discover who was it. 


Mathew turned to me confused. "He is from my pack. He will be my Beta soon." I said and I saw how Liam slowly detangled himself from the woods and appeared right in front of us. His eyes moving from Matt to me, probably wondering who the heck was he and what was I doing here.

"Serena." Liam said and stepped to me, cautious of Mathews protection over me. "What are you doing here?..Who is he?"

Shit. I didn't know how to answer that. How was I supposed to? Liam was the guy fighting for the spot of an Alpha, to be with me and yet, here I was. With my true mate, who was clueless of what was going on back  home. 

"What are you doing here?" I fired back trying to change the subject, at least until I came up with a coherent lie.

"I was looking for you, there was something important I needed to tell you.  I saw you leave the Alpha House and followed you." 

Mathew growled and shielded me with his body in front of mine. Liam noticed and asked me once more. "Who is he?"

"He is.. He is.." Mathew turned to me and nodded, like giving me permission to let Liam know who he was. "He is Mathew, from the Eclipse Pack."

Liam's eyes widened in surprise. "The Eclipse Pack? I've never heard of it before." He looked lost. "And why are you with him Serena?"

"He is not dangerous, he's pack is safe. We can trust them."

"You didn't answer the question. What are you doing with him?"

I took a deep breath and knew what was coming. If Liam lost it, he was going to fight and I didn't have a doubt that Mathew would win.

I was actually surprised he hadn't said a word. He only stood in front of me, still in a protective way.

"He is my mate." I whispered so soft that I was afraid he hadn't heard me.

"Your mate?..." he started mumbling under his breath. "What do you mean with your mate?"

"He is my true mate...Liam."

I think I had never seen Liam so angry in my whole life. And the moment he shifted into his wolf, I knew what was about to happen. 

Mathew instantly pushed me into the cottage and shifted, ready to fight. 

"Liam, please don't do this." I pleaded but my words faded with both wolves growls. 

Oh no. 


Hello, and happy new year!!!

I hope all of you guys have had an amazing break! 

I am so thankful for everyone who has read so far, more than a 1k reads!  I am working on the following chapters, and hopefully they'll be up soon. 

Have a nice day, lots of love  :)

Until next time, 

-Isabelle xo

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