Chapitre 6

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Jungkook realized too late what was going to happen, and with wide eyes he saw the ball hitting Taehyung's head, so strong it knocked him out instantly. Taehyung passed out and fell on the floor, Jungkook running to him while their teacher shout at the guy who did hit Taehyung.

Jungkook worried a lot when he saw the bump above the other's eyebrow. But Taehyung was little by little regaining consciousness, hissing in pain, as Jungkook helped him to sit down.

-don't hurry, ok ? asked Jungkook, as he softly brushed Taehyung's back.

After a while, he helped the poor hurt boy to stand up. Taehyung quickly grabbed Jungkook's tee-shirt as everything was spinning ; he closed his eyes and unconsciously put his head on Jungkook's shoulder, hopping it would give him a little help. After one or two minutes, Jungkook led him to a bunch, and both sat down.

Taehyung had the feeling some hammer was hitting his brain without interrupting... Jungkook kept talking to him with a so soft voice to not make the thing worst, as he knew how much hurting Taehyung's head might be. After a while, their teacher came to see how bad it was, and asked Jungkook to bring his friend to the infirmary. Looking dagger to the boy who hit Taehyung, Jungkook took the other with him, holding him by his waist to relieve him a bit. Taehyung didn't speak a word, focused on the hammer inside his head, but aware of the closeness of the other body as he couldn't but let himself be pushed around, slowly walking in the school's corridors until they reached the infirmary. The nurse was busy with two others and asked Taehyung to sit down on a chair she showed to Jungkook. They waited for long minutes and the nurse seemed to have no time for them. Jungkook didn't know what to do as Taehyung was trying to find the right position to sooth his pain. Jungkook asked the nurse to wet a cloth for Taehyung, the nurse told him to catch a freeze patch in the little fridge on the corner. Jungkook ran to it and grabbed the patch to softly put it on Taehyung's forehead. The latter instantly moaned in relief, the freeze being so good on his bump. The nurse asked for Jungkook, she found a cream for the bump, asking him if he could do it as she had to take care of a poor girl who couldn't stop vomiting in the toilets.

Jungkook nodded and came back to Taehyung. The latter had his back head on the wall while he was softly pressing the patch on his forehead.

-can you show me your bump, Tae ? asked Jungkook

Taehyung hummed and without a word, let the patch on his hand to show the extend of the damages. But the patch had helped to resorb a little the bump, it wasn't as bad as it was before. Reading the instructions of the cream, Jungkook showed it to him.

-the nurse wants me to help you with this, is it ok for you ?

-why would I not be ok with that ? mumbled Taehyung.

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