Chapitre 8

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The week passed very quickly as their exams would be in a few weeks, hard work it was for all the students.

A little bit tired by the week, Taehyung couldn't but yawn while they were just about to leave the school.

-you should rest a lot this weekend, ok ? said a worried Jungkook.

-yeah, I need to sleep... But I need to walk too ! he happily said.

-walk ? asked Jungkook

-yeah, I usually walk a lot at the Sunday, you know, not to stay at home with my brother...

-ohhh... yes, I see. Where do you walk ?

-anywhere my feet led me ! I think I know each street of the city now... not the districts like yours however, people don't like when they notice a foreign guy like me near their homes...

-ah, you could come to see me, I promise you will be always welcome, at least by me !

-sure, I will come one day, don't regret it now you asked for it !

Jungkook laughed and took a pen from his pocket, grabbed Taehyung's hand, and started writing something on it.

-hey ! what are you doing ??

With a proud smile, Jungkook let him see his hand, now decorated with Jungkook' beautiful handwriting, an address it was, and at the end, a little heart. Blushing like he didn't remember he had before, Taehyung softly smiled to his friend.

-thank you Kook, maybe someday I will come...

-yeah, promise me, ok ? I really want to see you at home.

-but...will your parents agree with ?

-don't worry about them, mmm ?

Taehyung nodded, and noticing his bus yet at the bus stop, he quickly waved to Jungkook and ran to catch it in time.

Two weeks later, things had been evolved a bit between the two. They accepted the new feelings there were inside their heart, without telling the other, of course. It was not like it was forbidden to like or love the same gender, it was tolerated, at least for the young like them. People didn't pay attention to who loved who, the important thing was when you decided to marry someone. With the problem of natality, you didn't have the choice to marry the other gender, and start a family, it went without saying... And if you didn't get marry at the age of 30, government would find someone for you.

 Anyway, this Friday, Taehyung was in his bus, exhausted like ever, trying to find some comfort in his music, his head on the glass. It was almost his bus stop when he noticed some police's cars further on. Militaries were on the street too, creating a traffic jam, a long bus lane slowly moved in a single file. The Kim family lived on a small building like there were many of in the district, with just buildings as far as eyes could see. His bus stop being after his home, Taehyung was waiting patiently. But what he saw while the bus was almost before his home froze him on his seat.

He easily recognized his brother because of his long blond hair, almost white, on his knees on the pavement, hands behind, head lowered, and a group of militaries on his side. His brother seemed to have a sixth sense as he rose his head and stared directly at Taehyung's eyes, quietly shaking his head, making him understand to not get out the bus. Taehyung felt the first tears gathering on his eyes, and with horror he watched one military put his gun on his brother's head. Taehyung shut his eyes, didn't want to attend at this but couldn't help but hear the shut gun despite his headphones. 

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