Consequences of Ignorance

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Disclaimer I do not own any of the characters from gate nor any of its bs its just Erdia and the concept of the nations within it

AN:Haft of this chapter is practically dealing with Falmart and Esliledian Politics, into two or one chapters will start what i can the Dumas Defense next chapters will be focus on things i have ignored

4th of March, 687 A.D.

Sadera plunged into utter chaos, exacerbated by the news of Italica's surrender and the betrayal of the Allied armies.

Immediate action was necessary to rally troops and prevent the enemy's advance into Sadera's heartland by reinforcing the Dumas mountain range.

Senators within the Senate debated fiercely between launching an immediate offensive or bolstering the defenses of the Dumas Fortlets.

The backlash was immense, leaving Emperor Molt in a precarious position, unable to quell the chaos as the Senate descended into turmoil. They needed a solution, and they needed it fast.

Reports from the borders only heightened the sense of urgency, with barbarians near the Plaus region raiding towns and other regions like Sarcio reporting increased raids.

The Imperial army was spread thin, and Molt could only watch helplessly, his frustration mounting with each passing moment.

Then came his son, Zorzal, stepping forward at the wrong moment, exacerbating the already tense situation in the Senate. His arrogance and certainty filled the room as he addressed the senators.

"Members of the Senate! Surely you all understand why we must cower behind Dumas?" Zorzal proclaimed, his voice dripping with pride.

The senators remained silent, wary of Zorzal's intentions and remembering the disastrous Bunny warrior campaign under his leadership. They knew that another offensive would be catastrophic, stretching their resources thin and risking even more fronts.

One brave senator stood up, speaking against Zorzal's plans. "Your Highness, with all due respect, the challenges we face now far surpass those of the Arctic war."

Another senator echoed the sentiment, reinforcing the need for caution. Zorzal's anger simmered as he faced opposition from within the Senate.

"Your Highness, we cannot afford to attack now. Surely you understand this," the senator continued, urging Zorzal to reconsider his aggressive stance.

A thunderous voice erupted from the Emperor, commanding Zorzal to leave and effectively silencing his tirade.

With Zorzal's departure, the entire Senate plunged back into their heated debate, torn between two crucial strategies: sending reinforcements to other regions or fortifying the defenses of the Dumas mountain range.

As decisions began to take shape, Senator Marquis Casel delivered a compelling argument in favor of bolstering Dumas' defenses. "Members of the Senate, it is imperative that we hold Dumas. Halting their advance there will mitigate further losses to the empire!"

Yet, Baron Matter countered with apprehensions about damaging relationships with other regions. "But by doing so, do we not risk alienating our allies? It could fracture the empire even further, breeding disunity!"

In a bid for compromise, Senator Marquis Dussie proposed a dual approach. "Senators, can we not pursue both avenues? While challenging, it remains possible and is in our best interest to do so. This is my firm belief."

The discourse shifted as Marquis Dussie concluded his proposal. His words resonated, though the practicalities posed a significant challenge.

Emperor Molt watched intently, recognizing the debate as both an opportunity and a quandary.

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