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Fantasia's POV:

As me, Terrence, and Dani were laughing in the vending machine room, I saw Kendall come through the door.

What the fuck.

"What?" They said in unison

I just saw Kendall come through the door.



"Shit ima keep my ass right here!"

Danielle not the time nor place.

"Whatever I'm not about to do that again."

Girl get yo ass up and let's go.

"UGH, fine."

~meanwhile down the hallway in Taraji's room

Taraji's POV:

Please just leave my mom outta this. Just then Tasia ran in.


"I'm doing what I should've done a long time ago." 

"I've been so stupid, tasia you and her deserve eachother."

"I'm so sorry to all of y'all I caused this trouble."

"I cheated our whole relationship, and I'll never forgive myself."

"I love you tasia, take care." *he shoots his self in the head.



The room goes silent.

I pressed the nurse button and they came rushing in asking what happened.

I was there but I wasn't. The woman I'm laying in this bed for just declared her love for her ex.

Was it even real?

"Ma'am, ma'am!"

I'm sorry what were you saying.

"She's not here right now, I'll answer your questions."

I watched as tasia cried and held unto him saying, "please come back."

She never did that for me. I wanted to be mad but I couldn't even.

Once I was alone by myself I just let the tears flow.

Danielle's POV:

What tasia just did was all kinds of fucked up, this man almost kills you and your girlfriend,

and you get down on your knees and beg for him to come back.

Did he cast a spell or some shit on her.

I watched as she came back into the lobby distraught.

"They said he didn't make it."

Terrence got up and walked off. I knew he walked away so he wouldn't say something he'd regret .

Momma O. Just said "I'm sorry for your lost." And walked off also.

Leaving me and tasia alone.

Are you okay?

"No, but I will be."

"I know she hates me."

Glad you know.

"Danielle wtf."

Tasia I love you, but what you did was fucked up. He tried to kill you and her,

And you get on your knees like a dummy and beg for him to come back.

She's laying down there in that room for you. She almost died twice FOR YOU.

And this whole time I feel like you've been playing in her face.

Y'all are both my girls but I won't sit around and watch you hurt her.

"Well Dani fuck you. You don't know the memories and all the things me and him shared."

I understand that very well, but if you LOVED her like you said you wouldn't have felt that bad about him dieing.

Terrence is the only one who really loves her, and you fucked that up.

Tasia get it together. I said walking off

~back to Taraji's room

Terrence's POV:

I knew she was hurting, and i hated that.

I don't know what this woman had on her, but for the past few weeks she's been going crazy about her.

I watched her chest rise and fall rapidly as she continued to cry intensely.

Hey, stop it. You're gonna make yourself sick. I know it's upsetting you but don't do that ok.

"Sh-sh-she h-h-hurt me Terrence."

I know. I know. But you can't worry about that right now.

You have to focus on getting better ok?

She just continued to cry in my arms.

~2 weeks later Omniscient POV:

It's been two weeks since Taraji got out the hospital she's been staying with her mom,

Terrence headed back to New York. And Dani moved in with them.

Tasia had tried multiple times to talk to Taraji but it just didn't work.

Taraji on the other hand was still trying to grasp the fact that the love of her life had said she loved her ex.

As Taraji sat on the balcony absorbing the sun, she smelled a familiar presence.

Get out.

Can we just talk.

No, get out I don't wanna see your face or hear your stupid voic-

Her voice began to crack.

Just please leave.

No, we need to talk.

1 minute then leave. Stay where you are I don't want to see your face.


I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I know you don't want to hear it but T when I saw him laying there in cold blood,

1,000 memories flashed in my mind, and I'm not in love with him but I do still love him and always will.


No, not like that T come one don't be like that.

Don't be like that? *she chuckles* funny you'd say that. Get out.

T what I'm trying to say is, I don't love him anymore I just didn't know how to process it in the moment.

How do you think I processed the love of my life on the floor over her ex crying and begging him to come back.

I've been cooped up in this house drowning in depression because of you.

I almost died because of you.

I ran in the woods and got lost for you.

All this I've been through is for you.

So when you say you didn't know how to "process" it that doesn't mean a damn thing to me.

Just get out my face before I hurt you.

That's fine, you can hurt me but I'm not leaving.

I'll never be able to explain how sorry I am.

Whatever, let me just ask you something.

When you fucked me in the back seat did you really mean it,

or did you just do it because I was in a vulnerable moment.

Why would ever question that?

Because after that shit you pulled with his ass I don't even know if this was real.
There happy now🌚, HES DEAD. HIP HIP. But now we gotta get the two love birds back together😏.

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