『 Chapter 57 』

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Part IV: Morendo

Yuri couldn't remember anything after accomplishing her mission aside from the FBI and Giancarlo's men arriving on the scene. Once she had made sure that Luigi was already dead, she returned to the room where Giancarlo was, and she hasn't left him since then.

The mafia boss is already stable, but he hasn't woken up yet. There was nothing wrong with him, but he just wouldn't wake up, and all they could do was wait for him to regain consciousness.

Yuri's heart was heavy with the weight of her actions, yet she couldn't help but feel a sense of relief knowing that she had finally done the unthinkable. As she sat by Giancarlo's side, her mind raced with questions about the consequences of her choices and what the future held for them all. The uncertainty of whether Giancarlo would ever wake up only added to her growing anxiety.

He might be stable already, but the doctor warned her that it could take days or even weeks. The waiting game was torturous, as Yuri couldn't shake off the nagging fear that things could still go wrong.

"Signorina, it's not good that you're constantly worrying. Giancarlo wouldn't die easily, so you must try to stay positive," Favio said gently, placing a comforting hand on Yuri's shoulder.

She appreciated the gesture, but it was easier said than done. The uncertainty of Giancarlo's condition weighed heavily on her mind, making it difficult to find any solace in optimism, so despite Favio's words of encouragement, she couldn't help but feel consumed by the fear that her worst nightmares could still become a reality. She knows to herself that she can only relax once Giancarlo wakes up.

"What's going on outside?" she asked. Favio let out a deep breath and started to explain the situation.

"When the others heard about what happened to Giancarlo, they reiterated it by declaring a war against the Torricelli family. It was led by Vincentius and Valentina. Since the head of Torricelli is already dead, it was an easy victory for them."

Yuri just silently nodded at that. It had been a week, but she could still smell the scent of blood lingering in the air, and the mere fact that more lives had been lost made her stomach turn.

"Even La Commissione has nothing to say about this, especially after the news of Giancarlo being shot reached them. If he doesn't wake up soon, things could escalate even further."

"Cassius and Scott are working on the other matters. The cops that were involved in your father's murder and drug trafficking were all given out their sentences already. The commissioner was given life imprisonment with no possibility of parole."

With the realization that things could be perfect already if Giancarlo wasn't lying there on the bed, hot tears streamed down her face. She couldn't help but feel a mix of anger and frustration, knowing that justice had been served for her father, but she couldn't celebrate because of Giancarlo's situation.

She gently took his hand and kissed the back of it, hoping that she would be able to make him feel that she was waiting for him.

"Giancarlo wouldn't want to see you like this, Yuri. If he already wakes up and he finds out that you've been neglecting yourself, I would be in trouble. Not that I mind, but as a friend who is concerned about you, please take care of yourself. It's important to remember that you have your own well-being to prioritize, especially during difficult times like these. Giancarlo would want you to stay strong and healthy for both of your sakes."

Yuri felt weak. She doesn't want to leave, but she knew that Favio was right. She couldn't afford to add to the burden of the people around her.

"I'll just go home, but no matter what time it is, call me if he already wakes up or anything happens. Can you do that for me, Favio?"  Yuri asked, her voice filled with concern.

"Of course, Signorina," Favio reassured her. "I'll make sure to keep you updated on Giancarlo's condition and call you as soon as he wakes up, as I am sure that it's your face that he would prefer to see first. You can count on me. I will have someone drive you, so please stay here for a moment."

The door busted open, and they both looked at the woman who had just entered. Yuri's eyes narrowed as she recognized who it was. Two of Giancarlo's men were about to pull the woman out, but she stopped them.

"You are not supposed to be here, Giulia," it was Favio who spoke.

"How could I not be here when Giancarlo is hurt? And from what I was told, it's because of this woman!" Giulia's voice trembled with anger as she pointed accusingly at Yuri.

Yuri tilted her head and walked in Giulia's direction until their faces were only inches apart.

"And what are you going to do about it? Do you think you could manage to fight me off when you couldn't even defend yourself? I should've killed you when I stole your necklace. Giancarlo wouldn't want to see you here, so leave while I am still feeling generous."

Giulia's jaw dropped upon hearing her mention the necklace. A realization also hit her that Giancarlo probably knows about it, but seeing that he does not care about it just means that she is nothing to him.

When Giulia did not respond, Yuri walked past her and gave an order to the others.

"Make that woman leave immediately. No one knows what I could do if I come back and find her still here."

When she arrived at the villa, she went straight to bed without changing her clothes. She thought that she would automatically fall asleep once her head hit the pillow; however, Giulia's sudden appearance startled her and made it impossible for her to fall asleep.

She doesn't even know why she was angry last time. It's not as if Giulia was lying when she said that it was her fault that Giancarlo was in that state, but maybe seeing the woman who once had a relationship with the man she likes made her feel insecure and jealous.

She couldn't help but wonder how Giancarlo would feel if he woke up and found Giulia by his side. Would it bring back old feelings, or would he be completely indifferent? Even though it was only a sexual relationship, it wouldn't change the fact that the two had a connection that was also similar to what they have.

The uncertainty gnawed at her, leaving her tossing and turning in bed. She couldn't shake the image of Giulia's presence from her mind, and the more she thought about it, the more she questioned her own place in Giancarlo's life.

"I was careful with opening the door because I thought that you were already sleeping. Did something happen?" It was her mother standing in the doorway, concern etched across her face.

The sight of her mother brought a sense of comfort but also a wave of guilt as she realized that it was the first time they were seeing each other after she left without saying anything.

She got up from the bed and hugged her mother tightly, tears streaming down her face. "I did it, mom. Para kay papa." (For dad)

Her mother held her tightly, returning the embrace with equal intensity as she started crying too. No words were exchanged between them as they held each other, their tears mingling. The weight of their unspoken emotions filled the room, creating a sacred space where love and relief flowed silently between them.

Once they had finished crying, they pulled away from each other and sat on the bed. Agatha is aware that Yuri hasn't been sleeping or eating because of what happened to Giancarlo, so Favio asked her to make sure that she would be taken care of.

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