『 Chapter 58 』

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"How did Giancarlo end up being there, mom? Did you know what happened?" Yuri asked curiously.

Agatha shook her head upon remembering that day when Giancarlo just left, leaving only a note that he would follow Yuri and no one should go with him.

"Just like what you did, he sneaked out. If Favio did not come to his office, he wouldn't even know that the boss had left."

Yuri let out a heavy sigh as Giancarlo really did risk himself just for her. While she couldn't even tell him her plan, he did not hesitate to put himself in danger to protect her.

"Mom, I know you might have a different plan, but as early as now, I want to be honest with you. I want to stay with Giancarlo. I know I have promised you not to involve myself with him more than our deal, and you are worried that it might be unsafe because he is a mafia boss, but I can fight –-"

"Yuri," her mom cut her off, then took her hands. "After I have seen how Giancarlo is willing to risk his own safety for you, he has proven that he truly cares about you. I would have nothing against a man who is willing to take a bullet for my daughter."

Yuri looked at her mom, tears welling up in her eyes. She couldn't believe her mom was being so understanding and supportive. "Thank you, Mom," she whispered, feeling a sense of relief wash over her.

She couldn't bring herself to sleep, so they decided to just have dinner. It seemed like during the days she wasn't around, her mother was able to develop a camaraderie with the maids and the chef in the villa, seeing as they all worked to make sure that the foods being served were according to her preferences.

"Have you tasted an Italian carbonara? It had raw eggs and bacon in it!" her mother exclaimed, a smile lighting up her face. "I never thought I would enjoy it, but it's absolutely delicious!"

They laughed and chatted throughout the meal until Yuri noticed that there was a shadow lingering in the corner. Curiosity piqued, she excused herself from the table and went to investigate, only to find Hana Sullivan pacing back and forth. She stopped in her tracks, her eyes widening as she saw Yuri approaching. Hana's face flushed with embarrassment, and she quickly tried to compose herself.

"Oh, I am sorry for standing here like this. I smelled the aroma of the food and couldn't resist coming over to see what everyone was enjoying," Hana stammered. Yuri smiled warmly at that.

"You do not have to hide here like a mouse. You are a visitor, and you are welcome to join us. If you are comfortable, you can dine with us. It's just me and my mom."

Hana felt a wave of relief wash over her as Yuri's words put her at ease. She nodded gratefully and followed Yuri to the table, grateful for the opportunity to share a meal with them.

Not wanting to make Hana feel left out, Yuri's mom quickly set aside an extra place at the table and began serving the delicious-smelling food. Hana couldn't help but feel touched by their kindness.

"Oh, you both should give this a try too!" her mom said, putting down a platter of an Aglio Olio pasta dish in front of them. The aroma of garlic and olive oil filled the air. Hana seemed to enjoy it, while on the other hand, Yuri felt like she was about to throw up when the scent of garlic hit her nose.

The two women quickly noticed her reaction and exchanged a concerned glance.

"Are you alright, Yuri?" Hana asked, reaching out to gently pat her back. Yuri forced a smile and nodded, trying to hide her discomfort.

"I suddenly just feel sick because maybe I haven't eaten properly for days. But mom, can you please move the plate away from me? The smell is really overwhelming," Yuri requested, her voice strained. Her mom immediately understood and moved the plate to the other side of the table.

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