Chapter 13: Advanced

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Austronesian Empire, Majapahit, Nusantara, Streets Of Nusantara.

2000, 1, 1st Week, January.

The streets of Nusantara were illuminated by the flickering glow of headlights from a convoy of amphibious vehicles moving out from a military base. 

Gunfire echoed through the streets, filling the area with the eerie cacophony of violence as various amounts of monster carcasses littered the ground.

"Over there!" A soldier shouted to his squad.

He pointed towards the threat, prompting a barrage of gunfire from his men. As the shots landed through the monstrous creatures in front of them, they left out an indescribable scream, sounding as though billions of souls cried out in despair that even sent chills down the spines of the most fearless soldiers that went through countless wars.

Throughout all this, the lieutenant had observed the monsters with a mix of fascination and revulsion in person. They appeared to resemble more to demons from an A+ horror game with disturbingly lifelike graphics rather than creatures or anything he’d ever seen in art or photographs. The mere sight of them made his stomach churn in disgust.

The monsters varied greatly in type and size, each more grotesque than the last. Some resembled a grotesque hybrid of man and frog, with sickly gray skin and bulging eyes. Others appeared as skinned humans, their exposed musculature painted with some kind of slimy black substance. 

Then there were the enormous hellhounds, seemingly large dogs with a sinister intelligence burning in their fiery eyes. Flames dripped from their maws, making them appear all the more malevolent and fearsome.

The situation was worse than bad and soon it quickly descended into a nightmare. Despite their modern weaponry, the soldiers were barely able to keep some of the civilians in the battle zone safe. Even after the battle had barely begun a minute ago, they were already on the brink of being outgunned.

The smaller beasts they were fighting were ruthless, charging straight in their direction. The limited ammunition was also a problem and a pressing concern for the army

Their weapons eventually managed to pierce their tough skin after the constant fire, but each one that fell seemed to be replaced by two more. The whole city was like a slaughterhouse.

Civilians who hadn't been evacuated in time fled for their own life in terror, praying and pleading to whatever god they worshiped as they tried to hide from the mere sight of the infernal creatures. Many were not so fortunate and met horrific fates.

The luckiest amongst them died instantly, but the majority struggled before being endured unimaginable horror. As they were caught by tentacle-like tongues and dragged into the creatures' gaping maws, they were swallowed whole and subjected to prolonged suffering.

Promising one thousand years of agony in being digested alive, while the other victims will also experience the 'things' you see in hentai right at the stomach of these beasts that roamed through the city, and other twisted and nightmarish scenarios deep within them, experiencing a fate far worse than death itself.

After several hours of intense battle, the commander and his men found themselves surrounded by towering monsters, facing certain death with no hope for them to survive.

"Hold the line! I need to reload!" the lieutenant shouted as he unloaded his last bullet and reached for the last magazine residing in the breast pocket of his vest.

Measuring his ammo pouch, there was only one magazine remaining. At this rate, they would never reach the other reinforcements, if any remained.

"First Lieutenant! Look out!" one of his men cried out in great fright in his tone. The first lieutenant spun towards the danger and his eyes widened in horror.

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