Chapter 20: Interception

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Austronesian Empire, Imperial Majapahit, Aceh, Near A Dry Dock In Aceh.

2000, 1, 1st Week, January.

The waves were roaring as it clashed against the hull of the mighty ship sending spray across its deck. On its sides were the name "ALN Teuku Umar" that was painted magnificently, signifying it as one of the pride vessels of the Imperial Majapahit of the Austronesian Empire.

The name Teuku Umar bears great pride and carries significant historical weight for the people of Aceh and all of Majapahit. He was a revolutionary fighter and leader that hails from the land of Aceh and fought against the Colonizers of the Dutch Empire, driven by a dream of an independent motherland free from the chains of the colonizers and from oppression. He fought and fought many battles, ultimately; he didn't see the light of freedom as he was ambushed and killed in Meulaboh, Aceh.

The ship's boiler roared in anger as it struggled to push the mighty ship through the turbulent seas because of the "terrible weather," that was present in all of Austronesia. The mighty ALN Teuku Umar belongs to the Sovereign Class Of Battleships, sporting 8 boilers with a ship horsepower of 220,000 Its six geared steam turbines and six screw propellers propelled the ship at 32.5 knots, with a maximum range of 35,000 kilometers. Its armament included three triple 406 mm guns, ten twin 127mm guns, 20 quadruple 40mm anti-air guns, and 40 single 20mm anti-air guns, providing formidable firepower against any threat.

The waves were raging everywhere as the showers of lightning and rain pours down on to the sea across the stormy sky. The bridge of the mighty battleship was standing tall, drenching by the waters of the ocean as it fought against the chaotic waves that kept on pummeling its hulls.

As the rain began to ease and pour softer, strands of light were showing up in the sky, it was as if hope was finally showing. However, the waves were raging as hard as ever, continuing to pound the hull. Within the passing moment, a colossal wave rose from the far front of the mighty battleship. The speed of the waves was ridiculous, and it was as if it was trying to swallow the entire vessel.

"Admiral! What should we do?" a sailor exclaimed, his voice laced with urgency.

"Full speed ahead! If we turn back now, we risk capsizing our entire ship!" the Admiral commanded, his tone firm as he faced the challenge head-on without a moment of hesitation.

The entire ship sped up as it slashed through the waves one by one with incredible speed. It was almost as if an enormous arrow was traveling in the sea, slicing everything on its way. After a few jaw dropping moments, the ship was finally on the front of the wave that looked menacing as ever.

With a breathtaking display of power and determination, the entire battleship bashed its bow directly into the heart of the wave. For a moment, it seemed as though the waves would slowly consumed the entire vessel. But with enough speed, momentum, and sheer force, the entire battleship that was supposed to have been consumed by the wave, pierced through the dark blue wall of water, appearing on the opposite side and landed gracefully on the sea, sending water splashing in every direction.

The sailors that were evacuated inside looked out through their glasses, and they were left utterly speechless by the incredible sight before them. What they saw would be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

After clashing with the mighty battleship, broke the entire force of the wave to which its colossal size rescinded into that of a laughable one.

The battleship, after which they passed the colossal wave, was met with the wave that was much calmer. However, for simple ships such as small vessels and civilian boats are still not recommended to sail.

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