Chapter 23: A Blinding Light

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Kingdom of High Tarxan, On The Ocean Near A Tarxan Port, Near Portville, On The Ocean Near The Country Of High Tarxan

First Year Of God, First Day, First Five Days, First Month.

The young Elven maiden attempted to stand up, however, she immediately faltered as her feet met the ground. When she was about to hit the ground, one of the humans dressed in white supported her. As she regained her bearings, she looked back to see that it was a different human, rather it was a woman, with a red cross at what seemed like her hat.

On the other side was another woman similarly attired in white with a contrasting black necktie on her chest and a red cross beside her hat. Was some kind of box fully painted with white and along with it the same red cross sign could be found.

Beside the woman was a man with a chair with wheels beside him. The woman lifted her up by supporting her in her arms and helped the young Elven maiden to sit gently on the chair with wheels. Upon sitting on the chair with wheels, the Elven maiden felt comfortable on the chair. She thought it was going to be crudely made, because it has wheels on it, but upon a closer look at it, it seems very sturdy.

As she ran her fingers over the chair's surface, she felt that they made it with an unknown fabric, probably a fabric exotic to their nation. Curiosity piqued, she examined the metallic components, tapping into her magical senses for appraisal. What she discovered left her utterly speechless.

The steel, though lacked any magical essence, boasted a reflective quality and a density that rivaled even that of mithril.

"Is this some high grade steel we haven't discovered yet? The cost for producing such a thing must be astronomical," was the thought in her mind.

'Even though we have just recently moved out from the standard ship of the lines and we are just traversing the path of ironclads. Could they be from the First or Second World Region? Even if we are using ironclad, it wasn't purely built with metal, as the decks and we still make some parts wood, and we still have sails and a mast. Furthermore, the discovery of magi-engines was just recently.' She thought to herself.

'However, from what we know from these regions a higher class of races only inhabited it. Humans are like the lowest class of beings for being manaless. So how could that be?' She thought to herself.

Her thoughts drifted back to the cryptic message delivered by the court magicians, emphasizing the significance of the color from the crystal ball.

"Rebirth or Chaos, from the anomaly near their lands." 

'Only a fool could miss the pattern there. This must mean that depending on these humans, whichever of the two would ensue, it is also an undeniable fact that the ship came from the area where the storm was," she reasoned, "So it must mean that there are more things to be discovered there, that we haven't. Furthermore, I am the queen of the nation and by the power vested into me, I shall make it so that my nation would be born anew!' was what she thought.

"Father, I would complete your dream," she silently muttered, to the woman in white questions.

"Did you say something?"

The young maiden didn't respond as she turned her face away in embarrassment. She was embarrassed, as she still couldn't shake the attachment to her father's memory, despite being already an adult or a maiden.

The young maiden was reminiscing about the past, when she suddenly felt a sharp pain on her feet. Startled, she glanced down to find the woman was applying some sort of medicine to her feet and legs. After a few moments of increasingly sharp pain, the woman finally stopped applying the weird medicine, after which she finally felt comfort in her feet and legs. It seemed like the medicine or whatever kind of fluid the woman applied seemed to work.

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