Chapter Three: A Present Worth Getting

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Chapter Three: "A Present Worth Getting."

*This is my own version of Brazil so it isn't based on the real landscape.*

THIS WEEK SEEMED to fly by fast, but very slow at the same time. My excitement  got the best of me this week, not letting me sleep well—or at all. I've maybe only got 6 hours of sleep ever since they gave us the news, which was about a week or so ago.

Catching up on my beauty rest, I don't seem to notice my bedroom door fly open. "Get up! You're going to miss your flight!" My Mom yells, rapidly shaking me.

"What?" I groan, pulling the covers back over my head to get more rest. Home again? Oh shit, no, they took your flight date off.

"Morgan Johanna Peters," My mother raises her voice. God I hate my middle name. "You're going to miss your flight! Now get up! Your friends are meeting us at the airport." It takes a few seconds to realize what's happening.

Flight? What flight? My brain must not be near to being awake.

Then it hits me. "I'M GOING TO BE LATE!" I scream loudly, jumping from my bed, my Mom jumping back startled. Racing to my closet, I pull a pair of random clothes, which happen to be a pair of grey tights and a wavy black top. I grab my suitcase and rush out the door to my Mom's car. I hop in the back seat and yell at them to get out here.

"Hurry!" I scream. Charlie comes out of the house, locking it. He gets in, starts the engine, and we head for the airport. Driving down the street of my neighbourhood, I text Tyler.

Me: We're leaving now.

Idiot🙄: finally you're awake. Was worried you tried to jump out your window trying to fly again. We're already here.

Me: don't judge me and my sleep, Nimrod. I was dreaming about this, and that time about the window was definitely a dream. Those birds were testing my abilities and I proved those smug bastards wrong.

Idiot🙄: yeah, mhm. Whatever you say, Sunshine. I'm so excited

Me: me too. I'll see you in a bit, we're near the airport

Idiot🙄: happy birthday angel.

I smile as I read the message, but before I can swoon, we pull into the parking lot of the airport, and I immediately start to scan the large area for my friends. They're sitting on the chairs in front of our hall that leaves for Brazil.

"We love you! Be really careful, okay? I want you to call me when you wake up, and go to sleep, okay? Even if I don't answer! Be safe baby! We'll see you in a few days, okay? Love you!" My Mom hugs me again for the 20th time and I pat her back a couple times.

"Yeah, I get the okay's, okay? I love you too. We'll be really fine, I promise." I kiss her goodbye, give Charlie a tight smile and awkward look, and it's after that awkward exchange of glares that a voice comes on the PA system.

"Departure for Rio de Janeiro, Brazil leaves in five minutes. Please be waiting in your section and have your tickets and passport ready."

Charlie walks to Tyler and I, saying to him, "Take really good care of my daughter." Tyler looks at Dad, taking hold of my hand, and intertwining our fingers together.

"Don't have to tell me twice. I got this girl wrapped around my finger." He smirks, then looks down at me, a little twinkle in his cobalt eyes. "I'll guard her with my life."

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