Chapter Six: RONALDO !!

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Chapter Six: "RONALDO !!"

"ARE YOU OKAY?" Bryce asks worriedly. I don't respond immediately, since my body is still in shock and I am still trying to comprehend what just happened.

"Jo, what's going on? What happened?" Tyler questions, kneeling down to my eye level on the ground. I continue to stare at the door for a couple minutes, but I break out of my little trance when I see Bryce go in to reach for the handle before I yell at him.

"No! Don't. She. . . Faith is having one of her moments, she's—she's vulnerable and dangerous and. . . she was going to hit me. She had the look in her eyes that screamed murder and she was literally going to attack me. I couldn't hit her, God, I can't even think of hurting her even if it's self defense. That door practically saved her and my life. This—is not like any of her previous ones. It was different this time. You're better off staying away from your door for a while."

"I, damn, I don't know what to say," Tyler says, "but it's going to be alright. You never touched her, and she didn't send anyone to the hospital, so everything is fine, yeah? We'll chill here for a while until we think she'll be okay, then when she's chilled, we'll head to the game and have a fun time, alright? Everything's fine and will be fine." I nod my head in agreement. "The cab should be here in about a half hour so we'll check on her then. In the meantime, just calm down. Relax and let your stomach have some time to loosen up; we don't want it tense and have you not feel well."

Tyler's right. It'll be fine. Things will go back to normal in about an hour, and we'll act like nothing happened. Faith will go back to her normal sassy and giddy attitude, I'll go back to not being self-cautious, and we'll all have a kick ass time at the soccer game tonight; even if that means sitting in a seat for six hours. After all, my torso has been through a lot, and definitely needs time to not be so stiff and risk the stitches being ripped open.


But I wonder about her; about Faith.

I wonder if she's taking her pills like she's suppose to. They're supposed to help with her problems, but I'm not sure. They're supposed to control her rage and not make her have such violent episodes. The only way she could be like this is if she isn't taking them or is withdrawing.

"Has Faith been taking her meds like she is suppose to?" I ask out of random. Sometimes my thoughts speak through my mouth, without me even realizing until someone responds.

"Faith is on pills?" Bryce exclaims in confusion. I furrow my eyebrows and nod my head.

"Yeah, she's been taking them for a year or so. You seem surprised." I repeat slowly, narrowing my eyes at him. He should know that she's on medication for her mental disorder, they're literally together everyday, and to see Bryce so surprised and not in a sarcastic way, makes me question why she's having two different stories.

Is she a different person with me than when she's with Bryce? Or are we told the same things, just one person more than the other?

"She hasn't been taking any that I seen, and we share a room together. What does she take? Maybe she's having an odd reaction." Bryce tris to conclude, but I don't think that her medicine is what caused this violent behaviour.

"She takes Lithium and Sertraline, also known as Zoloft. Lithium is helped with her BD mood swings and the Zoloft is like an antidepressant, it helps with her depression leading to her anger."

"Can't she die from taking them together?" Tyler asks.

I shrug. "It's rare." I reply. "But the Zoloft could be reacting with her body, causing the mania she had with me. It's a known side effect of the drug. I take Lithium but I'm not half as bad as she is. And she has a higher dose than I do."

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