Author's Note

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Edit: June 18, 2017.

Hey y'all! This isn't another update, sadly.

So we got a little problem. Well, I have a problem.

I know I usually update every few days or so, and I apologize for this long update (even though it's not an update)!

I was writing this story on PC and on my phone, and I guess when I deleted Chapter 39 on my phone (because the PC version was better) I missed a few parts, and so I lost everything that happened in chapter 39. I tried going through files and hard drives I used to see if I could recover them, but nothing came up except what was already written. A lot happens in chapter 39 (mostly funny moments that help the plot with Charlie), so I need to knock my brain into overdrive and find those memories.

Luckily, I can remember ~hopefully~ most of the chapter, so I just need to take some time processing everything and making sure matches match up with the future chapters (there's, like, eleven or twelve chapters I need to match 39 with), because this chapter will determine the rest of the plot for the first book, and I really don't want to waste more time changing everything... again.

Needless to say, that chapter will probably be crappier than the original first draft so I'm sorry in the meantime!

All in all, SBASK will be placed on hold until I can rewrite and connect everything. I'm not sure how long this break will be, but I work on this book as much as I can so hopefully it's done by the end of the month--MAX.

I have exams this week that I have yet to study for (screw high school), and I know it's been nearly a week and a half of silence, but I'm trying so hard to try to fit this all into the chapter! Now, since tomorrow is Monday, I hope to have at least most of the chapter done by next week. Internet is a huge issue for me right now since unlimited is nonexistent in the rural areas of low-populated towns, and we're too far out to have that much access so I am extremely limited. That being said, throughout the summer, the updates won't be frequent, but if they're done (which pretty much the whole story is pre-written so it's just post and edit later) then they'll be updated as long as I have time too. If that even means forcing my parents to stop off at our local Tim Hortons so I can "pee" then so be it!

Thanks for support!



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