Chapter Fifteen: When The Dead Come Knocking

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Chapter Fifteen: "When The Dead Come Knocking."

I WAKE up, and slowly open my eyes. I don't wake up in the heat of Tyler's body like I usually do. His body heat is missing. I feel around for a Tyler, but to no ado, there isn't another body in the bed. I grumble in exhaustion.

I can't remember much of what had happened last night except that Tyler bought me a dog. The rest is fuzzy. Remembering that I had a puppy, I leap to my feet looking for the furry creature. He's missing too. I groan and go to walk downstairs, only to find that I have no clothes on. Not a single article of clothing. I roll my eyes and see that my underwear and Ty's shirt that I was wearing last night are sprawled across his floor. What the hell? I smell the shirt and it smells clean. I scrunch my nose in confusion. Ignoring it, I throw the shirt and panties on after making sure they were clean. I lazily walk down the stairs after smelling bacon, and see the pup and Tyler in the kitchen. I glance at Tyler as he flips a pancake.

I sit myself up on the counter and Ty turns around at the noise. "Oh, hey," He smiles warmly. "You're up."

"Yeah, I am," I say tiredly. "Whatcha makin'?" I ask, smelling in the many different fumes.

"Brunch," He answers. "I'm making pancakes and bacon for me and steak and eggs for you,"

"Why are you spoiling be now?" I ask. "I mean, I'm used to you spoiling me, but these past couple days have been oddly extravagant."

"I know, but I'm just trying to keep your mind off of the recents," He says in a quiet tone. "Your phone keeps going off an awful lot too,"

"Yeah," I mumble, remembering that I have a stalker and a bunch of people out to hunt me down. "That."

"Wanna tell me what's going on? Why you're happy and nice one minute, then you're nervous and scared and quiet the next? Specifically, after you check your phone."

"I'm catching up with Dolly and Jack on Thursday. I'll tell you then. But it isn't a good idea."

"Why not, Jo? What has you acting so suspicious? I know you, and you're hiding something. Why can't you tell me?"

"Because if I do I die!" I blurt out. Oh, fuck.

I wasn't supposed to do that. Now I'm definitely dead. I close my mouth immediately before I spill anything else out that might ruin my life and drop my head in my hands worriedly.

My stalker watches my every move; if they already know that I've told not one person but two, then I'm kissing my life goodbye and I'll be six feet under by the end of the week. I rub my forehead with my hand to try to calm myself down.

I knew I should have listened to Ty after the hotel incident. Maybe if I had, I wouldn't be here scared to even leave my house. Ty's house.

For a tough girl, I've turned pretty soft since I left the country. That's what nobody who thinks they're strong and tough realize: you're hard to break and pretty mean until an event happens that totally changes your behaviour. I'm pretty disastrous, and I know that. I'm a tough nut whose shell is impossible to break into without needing a nutcracker. I'm like a coconut that is impossible to break, and sometimes it's really frustrating.

Nobody knows the true meaning of fear until you live it. I was always fearless. I was always a risk taker, and a daredevil. I never cared about my actions and what the consequences were, and I never was afraid of anyone except for myself. And Charlie. I swear that man is a psychopath.

Once you experience it, it totally changes you. It makes you feel weak and useless; defenseless. In my case, you're terrified to leave the comfort of your own home because someone might come up and snatch you off the street. You watch your every move and plan it carefully, avoiding small and ghosted areas. You have the strong temptation to carry a weapon to protect yourself.

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