Chapter Twenty-Six: Keep Your Friends Close and Your Enemies Closer

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Chapter Twenty-Six: "Keep Your Friends Close And Your Enemies Closer."

I'M SORRY DID I just hear her properly?

She said my father is the psycho who's going around killing everyone in my name?

"Excuse me?" I repeat. Don't show emotion, DO NOT SHOW EMOTION. Even though you want to cry and scream and panic like you're getting chased by a bear, DO NOT SHOW EMOTION AND DO NOT PANIC.

"You heard me right, Morgan." She growls. "Your abusive daddy is a lot more worse than you thought, eh?"

My mind is flipping all over the place. I don't know if I'm expressing it or not, or if I look decent right now, but what I just heard is making me outraged and scared.

I already knew Charlie was crazy, but that's not what bothers me. To be honest, I don't care that he was the one who did everything. It made sense. He had the money to hire people, he had a definitive motive, and he could act like he was going to Afghanistan when in reality, he probably wasn't.

Now all those boxes that contained hundreds of bullets that were being shipped to my house every month makes sense.

He wasn't getting them to train or go out with friends.

He was getting them to prepare himself for my fate.

And he needed a crew, apparently, to achieve that.

I'm in no way shocked, I'm just angry and scared. A thousand percent angry, and one hundred percent scared.

Before I can argue, Faith continues on. "I know you heard me right. He was so determined and he was destined to have you buried six feet under by the time he was done. Then you started catching on, and it turns out, you're smarter than he thought. You're a wrecked girl, Morgan Peters, and Charlie was finishing what you started. Pepper was there the whole time while your father was recruiting me.

"Now, why do you think that was, huh? For hate, resentment, disloyalty? No, no, I didn't do it for any of those. I was a friend to you, but Charlie knew my ways. He looked into my files and seen my history. How heartless, mean, and violent I was, he seen it all. No, when he approached me I thought it was for a lecture.

"I was wrong, of course. I obviously couldn't say no to such an offer while you live in a broken home, broke as fuck, barely living. He knew my struggles, so he approached me for a compromise. Your father offered me $10 billion upfront just to help get rid of you. Whether it be you fleeing the country or assassination, he didn't care. He wanted you gone and gone you would be. He isn't going to stop, you know?

"Pepper made it out, she's on the run. She's your father's little helper, and she knows every single thing that went on in that warehouse. She'll go back, report it to him, and oh, honey, you'll be in for a JOYRIDE! Yeah, that's right. That scared look on your face right now will be even worse once Charlie gets you in his hands. We're coming after you, Morgan Peters, and He's not going to stop until you're dead or he is. You took his life away from him, so he's returning the favour."

Her voice is getting deeper and more intimidating and fearful the more she speaks. My hands are shaking and there's no doubt in my mind that I'm expressing my emotions. Wide eyes, tears prickling to escape my sockets, and my jaw is probably hanging on the ground. I just broke, and Faith knows it.

"Be scared, Peters. You know that saying: keep your friends close and your enemies closer? Jo, sweetie, we're a lot closer than you think. Just imagine, you're going to go be with Victoria very, very soon–"

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