Chapter Twenty-Five: No Regrets

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Chapter Twenty-Five: "No Regrets."

TYLER AND I are getting dressed to go to the police station to talk to Gordon about whatever information he has that he wants to tell me. I'm just brushing my hair while Tyler does his teeth when a knock echoes through my bedroom.

"Come in." I holler.

Lucy strolls in casually, but when she sees that the two of us are in the bathroom, she looks uncomfortable. "Am I interrupting something?"

I raise my eyebrows. "No, no of course not. We're just getting ready to go out."

"Oh, okay. Well, I just wanted to come in and let you know that Ash is going to get a plane back to New York tomorrow. Her semester starts next week and wants to get organized. Or something like that."

"Okay. We um, we shouldn't be too long. Tell Ash that we'll go out for coffee or lunch or something when I get back. I haven't had a large chance to talk to her about school."

"Yeah, okay." She nods. "Where are you guys going?"

Tyler emerges out, and grabs a burgundy hoodie. "We have to talk to her detective about some things." He answers for me.

"Like what?" Lucy questions.

"It's really none of your business, Lucy." Tyler says to his little sister.

"It was just a question, Tyler, chill."

"I'll chill once you leave."

I roll my eyes at their bickering and step between the two. "Both of you: shut up. Lucy, I don't know why I need to go, and Nimrod, just. . . shut up and mind your own business."

"You are my business, sunshine." He smirks.

"Ew, gross. If you plan on doing anything, do it when I'm not here." Lucy fakes gagging, and sticks her tongue out with her finger pointed at it.

"Too late," Tyler whispers, which makes my face heat up. I slap his shoulder.

"I'm leaving now." Lucy says, but she's already halfway out the door. When the door slams shut, I turn to my annoying best friend and stare at him.

"Stop–being–so–inappropriate–" I say, slapping his chest with each word. He puts his hands up to cover his face, but I slap him one last time. "Idiot."

"Jeez! Why do I always love the hostile ones? Jesus, woman. . . ow! Stop being so violent."

"You have awful taste in women." I point out, and smile as I walk to throw on one of my soccer hoodies.

"Do I?" He reconfirms, "Because last time I checked, sunshine, I have plenty of interest in you and you are calling yourself awful."

"Pfft, what the hell are you talking about? I am fucking amazing, Mr. Belmont-Grey."

He snickers. "That, you are, Miss Peters. That you are."


I don't know if this is accepted, but I just casually walk towards Gordon's office, not bothering to bug any other officers and detectives swarming the building. I reach the only door on the left hand side down the depressing hallway, and see Gordon typing away on his computer sipping on some coffee with a bagel.

I just want to open the door like I would, but I'm starting to work on not being so. . . me. Like, I'm obviously me, but, like, never mind. What I'm trying to say is that I'm being me with different habits.

I gently tap on the door. Gordon's eyes shoot up at the sudden noise, but uses his hands to gesture us inside. I nervously make my way to my to my seat, Tyler beside me.

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