Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

" Yeah, he's doing fine he's asleep right now." I said opening up the fridge taking out a soda.

"That's good, Do you mind me visiting during lunch?" Kevin said cheerfully.

"Uhm.. I'm not sure Josh is sick and all." I said walking back in the living room, the line got silent then I heard him mumble something

"Oh okay..I have to go, I"ll talk to you later?"Kevin said hanging up quickly. I took the phone away from my ear and threw it on the couch. I looked at the clock and stood up leaving the room when I ran into something hard.

" Oh hey you okay?" Josh said with his hands on my waist steading me, I feel the tingles on my skin from where his hands are.

" Yeah, when did you wake up?" I said smiling at him, taking his hand and leading him to the couch.

" Just a few minutes ago, I think my fever went down though." He said touching his forehead, I rolled my eyes and moved his hand and replaced it with mine.

" Just a little warm now." I said moving my hand and placing it in my lap, he smiled at me and grabbed my hand.

" I know I already said this but I'm really thankful that I have you in my life." He said looking down, I'm pretty sure I saw the redness fill up to his cheeks. I wrapped my arms around him and put my head in the crook of his neck. " I know, I love you Josh." I sighed , I felt his arms tighten around my waist , running his hands up and down my back. " I love you." He said kissing the top of my head and rested his head there.

" You have no idea how much I do." He mumbled, and we just stayed there me in his arms, his arms wrapped around me. To be honest I wouldn't wanna be anywhere else but here with him.

"Josh get in bed, you're not supposed to be outside!" I shouted as he started taking off his shirt and pants. " Relax Katie join me." he said turning around, my eyes went straight to his six pack, and all the way down to his _ 

"Take a picture it'll last longer." He said smirking at me, I looked at him and crossed my arms."What's there to look at?" I said winking at him.He shook his head and took the cover off the hot tub.

" The hot tub?" I said raising an eyebrow at him, he looked up at me then shook his head."Hot tub is warm , my body is cold..." He said while running his hand down his stomach, I rolled my eyes as he got in.

" Won't you join me beautiful?" He said flashing me his smile, I rolled my eyes and walked up to him.

" Lets make a deal then." I said smirking at him, he looked at me waiting for me to continue."If I get in , you have to stay in bed the rest of the day okay?" I said putting my hand out, he thought it over for a few seconds then grabbed my hand and pulled me closer so his lips were near my ear.

" As long as you stay in bed with me." He said his lips softly touching my ear, my whole body jolted and butterflys in my stomach. I took a step back and see him with a smirk on his face.

"Deal." I said, I put my hand out then a idea came in my head,I smirked at him and grabbed the end of my shirt and lifted it slowly over my head. I smirked at him, and started unbuttoning my pants and slipping them offf, I took out my pony tail wrap and flipped my hair back. I smirked at him and grabbed my clothes and started walking to the chair making sure my hips swayed, I bent down slowly and set my stuff down and quickly turned around. I see his eyes roaming over my body, his eyes are darkened and biting his lip. 

"Take a picture it'll last longer." I said smirking and put my hair in a bun as I walked back towards the tub,I got in the tub,and sat directly across from him, I look up and see him right infront of me, my breath hitched in the back of my throat as he put his hand on hip.He put his other hand on my cheek, my eyes travled down to his lips the sudden erge to kiss him came to me.

" Josh.." I said but was cut off when his lips were on mine, I wrapped my arms around his neck as he pulled me closer. We both fighted over domnicance, his grip gotten tighter around me,he flipped us around so I was on him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, his hand started romaing over my body,he moved his lips to my neck and started sucking on it leaving a trail of kisses down to my chest. I arched my back and gripped his hair harder, he groaned on moved his lips back to mine.My mine couldn't process what was going on, i'm making out with my was wrong , but it felt so right. He pulled back from me and put his hands on my face, both of us trying to catch our breaths, I looked at Josh as my hand rested on his cheek, thats when I realized what I've been denying the whole time.

I'm falling for him

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