Part Three: Stalkers and Baryonyx

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Emmaline did not think of Owen Grady as a liar but she was surprised at how persistent the man was. It hadn't even been a full day when he showed up at the Baryonyx pen with that charming as hell attitude. Em let out a shattering whistle, seeing the birds in the forest in the distance take off. She stayed in the walkway above their paddock, patiently waiting for the kids to come back from their hunting trip she had sent them on awhile ago. Leaning against the railing the familiar rustle of underbrush and leaves sounded and Iris appeared, her head lowered from running, the feathers on the top of her head laying flat so that they weren't taken off by a random branch. Next came the two siblings, squawking at one another in lowered tones as the burst through the fauna.

"Jazz, James, cut the shit." She demanded and slammed her hand into the metal pail, her rings hitting and making a loud clunking noise that made them all look up at her. Iris let out a low rumble and moved to circle her siblings before finally cutting between them and pushing them apart. James went to go nip and Iris immediately opened her mouth and moved to position the foot long claws that they all had for thumbs. The only man backed down and lowered his head slightly but didn't look happy. Jazz was too busy trying to sneak closer to be under Em so she could get the first fish of the day.

"Alright kids, lets do some runs and then we get treats." She said and moved to pull the dog clicker she had from her back pocket. It snapped twice, the noise clear as a bell, and they immediately moved in a line, long tails slowly swinging as they all kept their eyes up. She raised a fist and Iris took a step forward. "Hey, did I say move? Back in line. Now." Her voice hardened and Iris did as told. Her large feet pushed back a few steps and they all stood shoulder to shoulder. They had gotten big that was for sure.

Feeling a smile crack on her face she held up her arms and spun. Glancing down she saw James spin in a circle as well, soon after his two sisters did the same. They spun in awkward circles and the woman laughed, throwing each a fish. Next she practiced each of them backing up in turn. Jazz had the hardest time with it because she was just so eager. Throwing them each a good job award the woman spun on her heel to refill the fish bucket and saw none other but raptor boy. She addressed him as such and his smile grew.

"I prefer raptor king but that's fine too."

Brushing past him she rolled her eyes and smiled at his antics. Moving to the fridge that was restocked every day in a small office off the paddock she refilled the fish bucket and skipped to stand by Owen. "Want the introductions?"

"I would be honored." He said and followed her up the stairs to the walkway above their paddock.

She stopped near the middle and all three kids were snipping at one another, fighting for random scraps of fish, which there probably wasn't any. They were just kind of brats that likes to pick on their siblings. Whistling loudly in a short burst they all let out little chirping noises and lifted their heads. The woman tucked her hair behind her ear and pulled out the clicker. "Iris, forward." The woman said and waved the dinosaur closer. The female took a tentative step, as if worried it was the wrong move and she would be scolded, but soon grew bold and took another large step forward. "Halt." Em ordered, voice strong and stern. This was her mom tone, the tone that said don't even try it kid. Iris did stop, head turning slightly and feathers raising up. Letting out a few little chirps Jazz responded and attempted to step until Em pressed on the clicker and made the loud snap noise Jazz stopped and they all looked up at her. "Now back." She said and made a pushing away gesture. Throwing the female baryonyx a fish for a job well done she did the same with Jazz, because she was next in the pecking order today, and lastly James.

Owen leaned over the railing and smiled at the male dino. "Last of the pack buddy? Thats some feminist crap there." He joked. James snapped his jaws shut, not liking the deeper tones human near his cage. The man held up his hands and took a step back. "Woa, girl power, gottcha."

Em tried to hide her laughter and finally gave in, her shoulder shaking. They all chirped at her and Iris moved to stand under her in the paddock, moving to nest down in the shade of the platform. Soon James joined and Jazz walked away into the forest that the paddock led into. She liked to run the most and was probably going to go for a swim as well. Moving to run a hand through her long wavy hair Em smiled at Owen. "Well, those are my kids. I know they aren't as smart as Raptors but... they are mine." She said and got the warm fuzzies in her body. Owen looked at her in a way that made her feel kind of shy and she brushed past him once more. "So what brings you to my part of the woods?"

"You told me to come out to meet the Barys so I figured sooner rather than later. You are doing an amazing job with them. I'm surprised that they listen so well." Tossing him a look he raised his hands. "Not that I doubt you, it's just my girls and Charlie have a lot of free will, ya know?"

"Yeah, I get that. Mine aren't nearly as aggressive as yours... The Baryonyx rarely attack without being provoked, they mostly live off of fish. Even though they have more teeth than a t-rex there wasn't even any documented cases in this breed attacking humans outright without some sort of cause. Like getting spooked or something along those lines... Misrani is talking about letting them be on an attraction for guests. Guests will use a little canoe and paddle down the main river and my Bary's may get to be a main attraction." She said and nibbled on her lower lip. That could go bad really fast and with that much open space she had no way of keeping an eye on all three. Hell, she didn't want to have to. A paddock was one thing to watch out for, don't fall in. In an environment like that one stupid teenager trying to hit one with a paddle or splash at them, who knew.

"Just tell him no. If it bothers you that much." Owen shrugged and waited for her to put the bucket in the fridge. She shut it and shrugged.

"What if he fires me?"

"I don't see that happening anytime soon. Looking at the bond between you and those dinos? I doubt he will be even thinking of sacking you." Owen crossed his arms and inspected her. "Well, you ready to go?"

Looking at him confused the woman moved over to wash her hands in the small sink provided. Fishy hands were not only unattractive she would forget and touch her face of her clothes and would smell it the rest of the day. Pumping the foam soap a few times she lathered her hands and lowered her brows. "Go?"

A tan rough hands landed on either side of her and she focused on getting all the soap out from between her fingers in the luke warm water. Reaching out she went to go grab paper towels and found it empty. Who the hell was supposed to stock these? Turning she came face to check with him and craned her head back. "I feel like you don't understand personal space, Grady." She said and reached out to dry her hands on his chest. Ducking under his arm he let out a little laugh.

"You showed me yours, let me show you mine." He said suggestively.

Chap 3!! Sorry it's a little shorter, kind of a filler before Em gets to meet the raptors :D I'm also working on something I started writing six years ago, so posts will not be every day for this. But thanks for reading!

Edited 07/10/17

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