Part Nine: Jealousy and Panic

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Emmaline Foray woke up extra early and abandoned her destroyed bed quickly. She had a goal today, and a very important meeting. It had been a few weeks and things with Owen had gone amazingly. They were either at her house, at the beach, or at his place. Minnie adored him, they cooked meals and watched movies and the sex? Made her brain nearly into jello as well as her knees when she thought about it. Owen Grady was a beautiful man, who cared deeply about the people who held special and Em counted herself as very lucky to be one of those people. He told her often enough that she mattered to him and would spend countless hours showing her from either a small smile to a kiss. The way he held her hand alone made her heart do a little backflip. She was falling pretty hard for the alpha raptor, a nickname he seemed to enjoy immensely, and he seemed to be doing the same. Even his friends all agreed. 

Things work wise had gone well also. The park had opened a bit ago and everything went amazingly well. The raptors were not part of the tours yet, probably because of all the negative with the previous park, not that Em blamed them. But her baby dinos had become a main attraction, people could walk over them on the metal sky walks and throw fish at feeding time. They seemed to be the more vanilla of the dinos that sported kitchen knife like teeth. And with how little they all cared about the humans, even small children that toddled across the walk, Em had decided to give this 'cruise' nonsense a chance. Hence her meeting in roughly an hour with Mr. Misrani.

She had pulled her hair up in a high and tight pony, sporting her Jurassic World t-shirt and dark denim capris. With her usual running shoes Em knew she didn't look professional but she didn't have to. Her job wasn't pencil pushing, it was the raise some bad-ass dinos and she was rocking it. Jumping into her park jeep Minnie was oddly insistent on going along so she allowed the dog to hop into the passenger. Taking off slowly down the dusty gravel roads they made it into the large tourist 'town' as she called it. Pulling up in front of the 'information and help desk' center she prepared herself to get through the thick crowd of people already forming at 9:30 am and commanded Minnie to stay. The Shepard sent her a look of pure boredom but listened none the less and jumped to the back seat to curl up.

As Em walked through the small children playing with dinosaur holograms and trying to filter out the chatter of every day, the chatter of the interactive programs, plus the announcements over-head she was suddenly grateful for her job out in the forest. She had been born in a small town, worked mostly in forests or jungles with animals, and large crowded places were so not her scene. 

Practically jogging past a group of preteens she moved through the long hallways that held glass sections showing scientists bustling about doing... something. Not stopping to peer into them like a giant fishbowl the woman quickly jumped into the elevator and let out a little sigh as the doors clothes. Pleasant music drifted through the small box as it slowly descended up. Opening a moment later with a ding she greeted the secretary, a younger blonde woman with brown eyes and a hard set in her jaw, not even getting a moment to sit in the plush waiting area as Misrani himself came to usher her into his office. As soon as the door was closed he offered her something to drink and an overstuffed chair.

"No, thank you sir. I want to start this on the right foot and I am very sorry about how rude I was. Before." Emmaline said and ducked her head slightly ashamed of her previous actions. She wasn't mad about what she said, only that she had handled it like a child.

"Oh goodness no, Ms. Foray! Please, there is no need to apologize." He put a hand at the base of his throat like he was flattered. "You were actually right on the money. And you had very valid points about what dinosaurs we should allow to have full contact with our guests. I don't want a repeat of the last time a park like this opened...." A moment of silence passed and both looked at the floor. "so I want to thank you for your blunt honesty. I have heard reports from the two interns that your Baryonyx's have been doing well though. And the guests adore them! They are rated just slightly below the baby triceratops ride." His smile was a slash of white across his tanned skin and Em remembered almost instantly why she liked the man. He didn't hold grudges and honestly just wanted to do the best he could.

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