Chapter Five: The Big Date

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Just a forwarning, I will eventually be writing a sex scene. Not in this chapter, this one is still pretty E for everyone. I just want to give for warning so that when it happens I'm not just throwing smut in your face :D

Em spun in a slow circle making sure to check out her butt on the way around. She had given in. Of course she had given in. Seeing Owen almost become lunch meat before her eyes had helped convince her, she had been tempted to hold out even then, but the boyish grin he had. Blushing slightly at how much she had been thinking of him the last two days she should have been ashamed. But she wasn't. Owen had taken her back home, only after she had agreed to the date, and promised that in two days he would be over to pick her up. He had stolen a small kiss before riding off. And how those two days dragged. 

She had gone some gardening with Minnie, worked with her Bronys, and cleaned her home. It was a water themed night club so Owen had told her to wear a swim suit. She had picked a white bikini with a little black flower on the left cup, a matching flower on the right side of the bottoms. Slipping on a pair or short frayed denim shorts and a black partially see through tank top that flowed around her she inspected herself once more. Em decided make up was not a must on this... date? Yep, that's what Owen had called it. As much as she would enjoy looking like a drowned rat she barely bothered with it on a day to day basis, not point getting dolled up for someone who already knew what she looked like. Doing just a bit of waterproof mascara and eyeliner her tan skin made her complexion pretty even so she looked pretty good. 

Her hair was doing some amazingly natural wavy thing after her shower and she was thankful. It was a pain to style hair in the islands humidity. Pushing her hands through it to build a bit more volume there was a knock on her door. Moving in her strappy sandals to the front door with Minnie weaving before her she opened the door to Owen Grady standing before her in a one of those oddly attractive slightly loose t shirts he owned and board shorts. Opening the door to him he smiled up at her and she grinned back. "You look amazing, Em." There went the butterflies.

"Don't look so bad yourself, Grady." She said and invited him in as she went to pick out earrings. He moved with Minnie on his heels to wait in the living room and a few moments later they were out the door on his motorcycle.

They flew through the jungle and came to the park to find streamers and lanterns hung up everywhere, all the bars and clubs open with loud music pouring from each one. The food vendors were all open, the smell making her mouth water already. It was like a little festival. Owen got off the bike and took her hand in his, wrapping their fingers together, and moved to a food vendor. Buying them each some sort of meat on a stick there was a shout and both look over to see a large group of people rush towards them. 

Em recognized Owen's partner, Barry, in the mix of about five people, another girl she recognized as maintenance for her paddock, and the other three she didn't know. Being introduced she met Sasha, a girl with a dark complexion and a bubbly personality who was the main bar tender for Tikki Time, Aya a pale ginger girl who was a waitress at the same place, and Jackson -Jack- who would be a tour guide on the jurrasic cruise. Standing in Em instantly felt like she was the awkward nerdy girl who was invited to prom by the quarter back and it was odd how fitting that thought was. Owen was a popular guy, everyone wanted to be friends with the raptor king. When the group learned who she was they were delighted and started to bomb her with questions about her Baryonyx.

Owen swooped into the rescue as usual and threw them off topic. "Em, lets go get shots."

"Hell yeah!" She agreed with a large smile. The group buzzed through and made it to the bar in record time, the crowds parting for the group of rowdy workers. Sasha ordered a round of shots and when they each had their small glasses everyone looked at Em for a toast. Looking to Owen he nodded for her to continue and she grinned.

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