Part Ten: Panic and the L Word

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*That is how I pictured Emmaline, if anyone had suggestions or if you saw her differently please let me know! I love to see how other people read the story*

Giving Owen a slightly sour look she cautioned him to be careful and he and the two men walked into the enclosure. The door closed behind them and Em promised to wait outside the entrance for when he came back. She hadn't wanted to go into the paddock for two reasons. 

One, she hated cages in general. Two, this rex thing seriously creeped her out. She didn't want to see how deep those slashes were in the metal walls let alone anything else unfortunate that may be in there. Looking around she saw a few workers dotting the area, a few trucks parked around the gravel covered entrance driveway. Concern creased her brow as she thought of all the visitors who had come today. There were thousands of people in the park and if this creature was as scary as Claire made her sound shit could seriously go down. Pulling out her mobile she moved to lean against one of the trucks and dialed the number for Tikki Time.

    "Thank you for calling Tikki Time, Aya speaking! What can I get cha?" Came the bubbly voice of the ginger waitress.    

 "Aya, it's Em."

    "Oh hey girl, what's up? Wanna do a to go?" She could hear the clatter of the bar even over the phone.    

"No," Em said and looked at the entrance. "Listen, Aya, I am not trying to scare you but I need you and Sasha to get out of there. It may not be a big deal even but just in case... you need to go home."

There was a small laugh. "Em, we are packed. And Sasha can't just leave, she is the manager of the whole place."

    "Say you are sick or something. Just please Aya, I can't tell you what I know now but I have a really bad feeling." Em insisted and pushed all the concern into her tone.

    There was a pause on the line. "My shift is over in twenty minutes, I can get Sasha to leave too if you are being serious." She sounded kind of scared but Em didn't want her friend to get hurt. There was just a nagging feeling in the back of her mind and she couldn't help it.

    "Thank you Aya, thank you so much. I will stop by later to explain. Just get somewhere safe." Em said and clutched her phone a little tighter. Seeing the door slowly begin to open she frowned again. That didn't take long. "Listen, I have to go. Thank you Aya."    

 "Yeah girl, you be safe too." With that they hung up and she slid the phone back into her pocket, glancing up and feeling the earth under her rumble. Startled she watched with wide eyes as a guard slipped out of the barely wide enough door opening. As it opened slowly she caught sight of Owen racing towards the exit and a large thing... holy shit, the rex was following behind them. With horror Em watched as it scooped Jim up and proceeded to bite his head off. As Owen got closer she noticed the door slowly start to close now and Em raced towards the door without a second thought.

    Stopping at the key board she pressed her hand to the scanner and punched her code in. Hitting the open button she saw that it wasn't working for her and the gap became smaller and smaller. "Owen!" She screamed as the thing started chasing him once more, finished with her Jim snack.
    "Em, run! Get under the truck!" He commanded. Without a second thought the woman rushed back to the truck she had just been leaning against and rolled under, wincing as sharp gravel dug into her arms and legs. A few moments later Owen slid by the truck and rolled, placing himself over her as the gate to the paddock shattered on the large dinosaur's shoulders. Metal flew everywhere and Em pressed a hand to her mouth to stop her scream. Owen twisted his upper body and cut a small line of coolant, the thick liquid dousing them and hiding their scent. He laid back over her protectively and Em gripped his shirt as silent tears streamed down her face.    

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