Part 12: Dinos and Dogs

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They were oddly close enough to another enclosure to get a jeep and make it back to the resort in no time. Owen had to abandon the vehicle near the edge because of the large number of people swarming out of the park. It was no surprise, with the cloud of pterosaurs flying through the air snatching people up and throwing them back down to earth or just landing on them and devouring them. Em quickly emptied one clip and reloaded only to take a few more out. One, a odd creature with a small body but huge head that looked like a rex of some time, dove towards her just as she took aim. She shot and clipped the wing causing it to tailspin down to the concrete and land on it's head with a sickening crack. Wishing she had a tennis racket or something she continued to take some out and saved a few people in the process ordering them indoors so they could get away from the winged terrors.

Turning to see if she could find Owen and Claire she watched Claire run to two younger men and assumed she had found her nephews. Moving to catch up Owen raised his weapon to shoot an oncoming dino and it appeared his gun jammed. The thing fell upon him snapping it's teeth mere inches from his face as he held it off sending his gun scattering away. Claire scrambled back and pulled her nephews behind her. As Em ran over she attempted to shoot but she was out of bullets. Of freaking course. Picking up Owen's discarded rifle she swung like a professional baseball player and threw the thing off him with a shout. 

Pulling the rifle to a proper holding position she pulled back the hammer and popped the jammed bullet out, slamming another in and pulling the trigger just as the thing regained it's mind and charged at her with a wide mouth full of razor sharp teeth. As the bullet blew threw the back of it's throat it fell lifelessly to the ground and bled across the white sidewalk. Em dropped the gun and stumbled back as Owen's arms wrapped around her waist pulling her up against his body. Her fingers twisted in the sleeves of his shirt as she looked up at him, craning her neck so far back it almost hurt. But to see him alive and safe in her arms she was content.

He lowered his lips and her hands flew to weave into his hair. She kissed him with everything she had because she didn't know if she could say the words although she knew all too well she had almost missed her chance entirely. When they parted she had tears in her eyes and she smiled up at him. "Idiot." She whispered and hugged him tightly.

"Uh guys, war zone!" Claire called as she raced towards a building. Both parted and looked at one another before Owen grabbed her hand and pulled her towards cover. They shut the door just as a dino smashed into it, spider-webbing the glass but not getting it. Misrani spared no expense apparently and Em was thankful. As Claire led them further back into the building she introduced her nephews, Gray, who was a preteen with large eyes and a cute mop of hair, and Zach, a moody teenager who seemed pretty well together with the given circumstances. There was the sound of a lot of boots hitting concrete and peeking out Em saw InGen soldiers coming around and shooting everything in sight. A few others took the injured and seemed to be cleaning it up pretty well. It seemed as though after a few minutes that the skies had cleared, either from the pterosaurs flying away, dying from attacks of people, the soldiers killing them off, or they too full to move. Not thinking of the gory last one Em moved outside followed by their little posse. She needed a jeep. She had to get Minnie out of their home. It was unlikely that the Rex would go near her home but with all the dinos running around she didn't want her furry friend to be a victim. Moving past a few armed men Owen stopped to talk to them for a moment.

"You can't go all that way for a dog!" Claire cried out as Em pulled open the drivers side door. Moving to put her foot in the jeep she looked back at the red head and scrowled.

"A dog?" Turning on Claire Em practically snarled. "Minnie is my flesh and blood, as far as I am concerned, and I don't recall asking you to ride along. Go with your nephews to the intel center or stay with the guards." With that she swung her body into the seat and started the engine. The back doors opened and Zack scrambled in, Gray struggling against his aunts grip. Turning to look back at the kid she felt her heart warm. Gray finally got away from Claire and sat next to his brother, hands folded on his lap.

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