Part 13: A Punched Hoskins is a Good Hoskins

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"The jurassic power couple arrives." His smile was all smug as he held his hands out like a greeting.

Before she could take another step forward Owen was there, swinging hard. Hoskins took the hit to his jaw, head snapping to the right, a crack audible. She heard the boys gasp but Owen didn't seem to care that he was being watched. "You stay away from my animals." He threatened the military minded man with a snarl on his face. Hoskins straightened while holding his lower jaw. "Get the hell out of here."

"You wanted this to happen, you son of a bitch!" Claire added in. She crowded the man and Em was impressed but not about the be shown up.

Jumping in the petite woman knew she had nothing on Owen's punch but did one anyway. She had been raised rough, a hands on father and plenty of siblings guaranteed that. His head snapped to the left this time and he stumbled back a step, putting a hand out in defense.

"Jesus!" He straightened with anger in his eyes. The wounded man said with the audacity to appear offended. "How many people have to die before this mission makes sense to you all!?"

"It's not a mission." Bary cut in. Em hadn't seen him in the shadows, comforting the raptors as they all stood caged, but she was glad for the backup. Bary was good people, she trusted him. She needed more people she trusted around her. "This is a field test. You know I am telling the truth." His thick accent seemed to punctuate it all the more.

"This is an injin situation now." Vic Hoskins said and put his hands on his hips. As Em and Claire both took a step back to shake their heads and give each other the world wide look of 'the men are talking' Owen didn't back down. "There are going to be cruise ships that show up here at first light. Everybody is going to get off this island!" He turned to Own and straightened his shirt. "You are going to watch a news story tomorrow about how you all saved lives, no- nonono, better yet! How your animals saved lives!" Practically shouting in Owen's face, the obviously more attractive of the two still didn't bat an eye.

Owen glanced over at Bary. "They have never been out of containment, Owen. This is crazy."

Hoskins didn't seem to care about what either expert had to say and turned his back to them, waving a hand in the air. "Lets move it out!" The sound of engine starting filled the air as well as the chirps of the raptors as he turned back to the Raptor Alpha. "This is happening....with or without you."


As Owen went into the storage container, now field base, he began to direct the troops on where the I Rex was and what the plan was. Em looked around and noticed that the Bary's pen was close to where they would be trapping her, hunting her rather, and did not like it. "When they get on target, and they will get on target, wait to engage." Owen instructed as she came back from her thoughts. Crossing her arms and talking her stoic place next to him she studied the map and than the facies of all the men around her. She had little faith in this but was not going to tear it down with these good men. "Velociraptors are pack animals, they like to get their prey into a kill zone. That is when we take our strike, and only then. You need to wait for my command, not a second earlier. We have one good target gentlemen." Holding his a hand he moved his eyes around the circle. "Do not shoot my raptors." Seeming to think better of it he added a little, "please."

Emmaline kept her eyes trained on Owen with a frown still etched into her skin. "I don't like this."

"I know Em."

"Blue hates this." The raptor let out a chirping noise at Owen as he watched with Em as the tekky guys hooked up cameras to the raptors heads. The chirp turned into a hiss and all raptors attempted to shake out of their cage. Everyone stepped back except Owen and Emmaline. He reached out instinctively to calm them, putting his scent in their noses and whispering soft words.

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