Chapter 6

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You are never good at good byes so you just gave the people in the house a wave, while Hailee being the person who stayed here a little longer than you have acquaintances that she hugged on her way out. You and Hailee sat side by side on the back of a car, Ryan driving.

"Oh My Gosh! I can finally see the world!" Hailee squealed.

"See the world?" You asked.

"Yes! I've been existing in the system but never really lived. I've never seen the world outside the houses I've been in. Its actually great to finally see colours rather than black, white and green." She said looking excitedly outside the car.

"You can open the window Hailee." Ryan said.

Hailee did not hesitate to do so. Breathing in the breeze. However, you just shut your eyes, not really sleeping. You just don't know what to do outside this town.

You were awaken by a knock on the window. You groaned rubbing your eyes. "Y/N, we're home." Ryan said.

You nodded your head and unbuckled the seatbelt you looked around to see that Hailee can't be found near you.

"Where's Hailee?" You asked.

"The next property beside Simon's" Ryan said.

"Oh." you said.

You dragged your feet towards the mansion.

"How about Simon?" You asked.

"The other property on the other side of yours." Ryan answered casually.

"So you meant." You said.

"Yeah, this is yours. Well, your dad's and well you are his daughter so." Ryan said and unlocked the door.

Once you entered the house, there are caretakers making everything presentable for you.

"Oh, you must be Ma'am Y/N?" An old lady with a proper posture said. She's not that old but she has grey hairs.

"Yes, I am and you must be?" You asked, giving her your full attention.

"No one, my dear. I'm just the head caretaker in the house." She said shaking her head.

You knit your eyebrows together, slightly offended of what she just said. You are your mother's daughter and you grew up to see the world equally. "Ma'am-" you said but you cut yourself of when you saw her facial expression.

"I should be the one that is calling you ma'am." She said.

"Please, I'll keep on calling you Ma'am if you don't tell me your name," You said, smiling. You just don't want others being scared of you or looking at you as if you're almighty.

"My name is Lisa, but you can just call me as head or caretaker. Anything that makes you comfortable." She said with so much humility.

"Thank you, Lisa. Also, if you don't mind me asking, how many caretakers or workers are in this house? And who are they and what do they do?" You asked.

Lisa was quick to answer. "As you know, there is me the Head Caretaker, in the kitchen, there is Chef Alden, sometimes he works with someone, which is Chef Anthony. Then the garden, we have Monica and Denice. The cleaning of the house, we have Johan and Mason. For Security, we have Ryan, Jasmine, and Leo."

"So all in all, there are 10 workers in this house?" You asked.

"Yes, ma'am." Lisa said.

"Please just call me Y/N, I feel really old if I'm called Ma'am. No offence." You said.

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