Chapter 9

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Maybe it's meant for you to always go back to Dinah, no matter how you keep the distance between the two of you. You will always end up together.

"Do I really have to attend the formal gathering to meet all the singers Simon had signed in his company?" You asked and huffed because you're not a huge fan of formal gatherings.

"Yes, yes you do because it is not only Simon's company but your father's as well." Ryan said.

"But why do I have to go?" You asked again while arranging your books in the bookshelves in an alphabetical order of names of the author.

"Why won't you?" Ryan asked sitting on a chair near by.

"I don't like formal gatherings and I don't like facing other people I barely know." You said.

It has been a week since your last visit in Santa Ana and once you came back, Ryan non-stop talked to you about this formal gathering.

"But you have to, Y/N. Once you turn 21 you would be the one handling this company, not only because you're the only heiress of your father but Simon's as well. You have to know the field of what you're working on." Ryan said.

"And this is your dad's work. He worked upon this company for you,Y/N. all he wanted is the best for you." Ryan said and that made you stop at what you are doing to think. It is true, this is also your father's sweat and blood. He would like for you to takeover on the thing that he started, make it better and use that better to make the world at its best.

You huffed and put in the last book and you slid down from the ladder.

"Fine. I'm going." You said and Ryan threw his fist in the air. "But because it was the thought of my father that made me go, not your words." You said sarcastically because you don't like the thought of people telling you what to do. Well, You are your parents' child and you took good care of yourself and independence is laced in your values.

"Also, I always mean to ask this to you." You said and turned around to look at Ryan. "Actually, every time I ask it. you were always busy so now I guess is the perfect time."

"What is it? I'm free all day." Ryan said.

"Where is Y/BN (your best friend's name)?" You asked, "I've been trying to approach her and every time that I do I always hit a dead end. Also, knowing her she would've been here before I even step in this house."

Ryan avoided your gaze, he doesn't know how to tell you. You've lost too many. He gulped when you cleared your throat.

"I-" he said but stopped.

"Ryan, please you have to tell me." You pleaded.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. She's not with us anymore. She got in a car accident because of a drunk driver. She was the victim and the accident was very fatal." Ryan said.

You rapidly blink your eyes, you can't believe it, your best friend for so many years, gone in a heartbeat. "I didn't even get to give her a proper goodbye or a last proper hug." You said and sat on a chair.

"Why didn't you tell me?" You asked.

"I don't know how to tell you. I just found you and got you out of the system. You just lost your parents, I want you to take a break." He said.

"You should've told me." You whispered, too fragile to even get mad.

"I know and I'm sorry for not doing it." Ryan said.

"I'll see you tomorrow." You said and walked out of the library. Ryan knew better to not follow you and he went to his room instead.

As you walked towards your room, rigid and slow with the thought of your best friend gone, you feel like you want to runaway, somewhere you can't lose someone anymore. This is why you don't like being attached to the people around you, it scares you that as you get too attached, it only meant bearing more pain.

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