Chapter 27

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Dinah rushed downstairs and as she do so, her tears are starting to blur her vision. She let the tears go and she didn't care about the mascara melting down with her tears. She bumped in to somebody on her way to the car. She looked to see blonde little curls and she looked to see the face of the person she must despise but she can't. She just took a deep breathe and walked away. Dinah's thinking in all honesty, it wasn't Tori's fault why Y/N chose her.

"Dinah, wait." Tori said as she held on to Dinah's wrist. Dinah looked back at Tori with so much despair as if asking to just let her go. To let her be because she can't stand the fact that Tori was the one that took away the person she loves. Of course, it's not her fault but what does she have that Dinah doesn't? A reason? A better understanding of feelings?

"Let me explain, please." Tori said, pleading to be heard because she knew that what her father did ruined a lot of lives. Especially, connection between two people that loved.

"What is there to explain, huh?" Dinah asked. She didn't yell, she didn't want to. "Explain to me that nothing happened. That it's not what it looks like? Tell me, Tori." Dinah said, venomously.

Tori didn't get to answer quickly and Dinah took that chance to walk away. However because of that talk, Y/N get to catch up so as Dinah was about to walk away,

"Dinah, wait." Y/N said and Dinah stopped and rolled her eyes. Did they spend that much time together, that they even say the same words? As much as she hates to admit, as much as she hates to feel, Y/N's voice is still a spell that Dinah can't seem to get out of.

Dinah stopped but didn't turn around. Y/N walked closer and Tori knew to give them space. "Dinah, I know that you're mad at me you probably despise me too. I get it, who wouldn't be mad if you were left alone with no explanation. Give me more time to prepare myself so I can tell you everything. The truth. I never wanted any of this to happen. Trust me." Y/N said as she walks closer to Dinah.

She stepped in closer and closer until she can finally hug Dinah from behind, both girls felt weak yet Dinah didn't show it. She forced herself to stay cold and peel Y/N's arms off her. "You're the one who need to give me time, Y/N." Dinah whispered but Y/N can hear and Dinah walked away. She hears a car coming in and seconds after the car is in front of her.

"Dinah, let's go." Normani said as she wraps her arm around Dinah's shoulder. She gave Y/N a glare as they walk away. Y/N stayed to where she was standing, broken and in pain. Tears are continuously streaming down her cheeks. Dinah then sobbed in the arms of Normani once the car drove away. She didn't want to look back, afraid that if she did she'll come running back. She's too afraid to face what she's been trying to forget all these months.


An hour later, Y/N is in the kitchen by the bar. Drinking unsweetened almond milk, the milk she mostly despise. It's her way of suffering, since there is no alcohol in the mansion. She's currently alone because she sent everyone to go in the city and leave their job for a week. Only Leo and Jasmine were the one who stayed behind to guard. They are both outside so technically Y/N is the only one in the mansion. And she sent Tori to visit Alessia.

"Are you seriously drowning yourself with milk?" She hears someone say. She chuckled.

"Want to join in? Sorry I didn't stack any high class beverages" Y/N answered sarcastically.

"How have you been?" Hailee asked as she sit beside Y/N, taking a glass and pouring herself some of the unsweetened almond milk, which she thinks is just fine, not a drink to drown yourself with. But she learnt it before that Y/N despises it.

"Horrible." Y/N said truthfully.

"You wouldn't feel that much if you only told the truth. Don't let yourself handle this alone, Y/N." Hailee said.

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