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as always, dedicating this chapter to a comment that i like. inline comments are appreciated *wink wink nudge nudge*




  Before we could even start heading toward the pet shop, we were stopped by a group of Harry's fans. I tried to stay back as much as I could and let them have time to talk with him as they took turns taking pictures with him.

  "Harry, I love you so much." One girl said, wrapping her arms around him. I smiled but then notice her very obviously take in a huge whiff of Harry's scent, trying her hardest to maybe smell his cologne. I fought the urge to laugh as they took their picture and the next girl stepped up to him.

  "Oh my God, you're real." The girl blubbered. Her voice quivered as she spoke, but he just smiled and gave her a hug. "Never cut your hair, please."

  "I won't." He laughed. "It was very nice to meet you."

  "If you cut your hair, just like, mail it to me or something." She went on. "Also, can you follow me on twitter? My username is larryshipper492." This time I couldn't help it as I laughed.

  "I'm sorry." I said as I covered my hands over my mouth.

  "Who's she, Harry?" Another girl asked. I froze in my spot next to Harry and glanced over at him briefly as my mind worked to come up with something believable. Neither of us were prepared to give an answer. Hello, I'm a runaway bride that Harry rescued and now we're going on an adventurous road trip together? That sounded like a cheesy fanfiction. 

  "I'm his second cousin." I smiled.

  "Oh." Larryshipper492 said. "So, why are you American then? Shouldn't you have a British accent?"

  "She, uh, she's lived here since she was young." Harry lied swiftly. "I'm just visiting some family, doing some sightseeing." I bit my lip as I watched their reactions. They seemed like they believed what we were saying, but these were also the people that believed that Louis had actually got a girl pregnant. 

  "Oh, that makes sense." A girl said. "So, are you two like into incest stuff?"

  My face turned tomato red. I didn't even have to look in a mirror to see, I could literally feel the heat rising in my face and I hoped that they didn't take it as an answer. Harry laughed and denied it immediately while I kept my mouth shut. He then tried to steer the conversation into something else to try and lessen my embarrassment.

  "Well, it was nice talking to you all. We've got to go now!" Harry waved.

  "All the love." I muttered as we turned around and began walking toward the pet shop. 

  Harry burst out laughing as soon as we began walking away. I had to admit, the incest thing was actually funny. I found myself laughing along with him as we passed stores with bright lights and provocative t-shirt designs.

  "Incest? Do these girls have any filter?" I asked.

  "No, they really don't." He shook his head. "Some of the European girls actually even press their breasts up against our car. The last time that happened was when I was eighteen, so of course I was totally fine with it." I smacked his chest.

  "I'm not like that anymore!" He defended himself. "I respect women. All the love, remember?"

  "Lord, please no." I groaned.

  "All the fucking love."



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