forty one

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Okay, hi, I know it's been forever. Some of you may have actually thought I dropped off the face of the earth, but no! I am here and very much alive. So what have I been doing all these months? well, actually...


  If you haven't already heard, I'm part of the SNOW Anthology put together by KellyAnneBlount that is going to be published. You'll be able to preorder and actually own a physical copy of the book very soon. The SNOW Anthology is a compilation of sixteen stories that all share a common theme: forbidden love. We all worked really hard on this and would love if you would give it a read. You can purchase it as an e-book, or buy a million paperback copies (as I plan on doing, because I'm really freaking excited if you can't tell.)

  If you want more details, click on the story titled 'Seeing Him Again' on my profile! PLEASE go to it and comment a million times if you're excited for SNOW to be published.

  Also hey, hello, I really missed this story. Let's get back into things, shall we? If you can't remember what happened in the last chapter (like me), feel free to go back and reread.


  Harry and I spent long hours on his kitchen floor talking about what to do. Matthew and my father's lawyers wanted us to completely back out and in return we were guaranteed to be left alone. It was a temping offer, because the trial process had the potential of being long and grueling, but we knew what we needed to do.

  "Are you nearly ready?" Harry asked, coming out of the bedroom door as he buttoned up his suit jacket. Cat immediately pounced off the bed and rubbed herself against his leg. As soon as she was done cuddling up against him he lint rolled his pants. We were staying at a penthouse Air B&B in Philadelphia, the city where the trial would be held.

  "Yeah, I'm ready," I nodded. "I'm so nervous."

  "You look beautiful," he complimented. "There's nothing to be nervous about, M. We have people speaking for us the entire time, all you have to do is sit through it. There won't be a verdict today, either."

  "I don't want to have to see them. I don't know what that's gonna be like."

  "And you won't know until we go in there, so there isn't any point of worrying," Harry said, rubbing my back. "I'll be right by your side the entire time, and then we'll come straight back here and order takeout."

  It wasn't that I didn't believe what he was saying. I knew that everything was going to be alright, but I couldn't process that information through my head to get myself to stop worrying. He could tell me a million times that everything would work itself out, and there would still be some part of me that was filled with anxiety.

  A driver took us to the courthouse. The windows were tinted and nobody leaked anything to the press about us being in Philadelphia. The trial was kept very quiet and had no media coverage. It was a bench trial, which meant that we wouldn't have to deal with a jury telling anyone about the case. Not that any jurors would have been allowed to, anyway.

  The lawyers on our team were hoping to take down my entire family. My father, for organizing everything. My mother, for the knowledge of the criminal activity going on and her failure to report it. Matthew's family- his mother and father for the same thing, but a count of domestic violence against him. That was if everything went according to the plan.

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