twenty eight

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Harry and I spent the rest of that night taking care of Louis, who had drank way too much, and trying to get him into bed. He acted like a small child when he was intoxicated, which was funny and a bit frustrating for both Harry and I, who had only had a few small drinks.

"C'mon, Louis, just lay down." Harry said. We had made a bed out of the couch in the living room space of the bus, but Louis sat on it with his arms crossed over his chest; refusing to lie down. He reeked of alcohol and was acting completely immature.

"I'm not tired." Louis slurred.

"Yes, you are." Harry insisted. "Now, you stay here and we are going to go to bed, too. There's a bucket right here if you need it, and the bathroom is across the hall."

"What would I need a bucket for?" Louis scoffed.

"In case you puke." Harry explained. "Please, try not to wake us up. It's already pretty late, you need your sleep." Louis rolled his eyes and laughed, finally laying down on the couch. I pulled the covers up to his chin and he tried to swat my hand away, earning a stern glare from Harry, who stood next to me.

I followed Harry into the bedroom, where we both collapsed on the bed. Both of us were absolutely exhausted from trying to coax a drunken Louis Tomlinson into his bed, and now the only thing on our minds was sleep. Cat was already in bed, giving us a sleepy look.

"Sorry about him, he gets a bit... wild." Harry apologized.

"Don't worry about it. It was funny, for a little." I giggled.

The tension between Harry and I was still a bit... off. Ever since he had asked to talk to me after finding out that I hadn't told him about the pictures my father had of him, and we had been interrupted by a phone call from his management, the chemistry between us was different. I was afraid that he would try and confront me again about the situation. I could tell that he was being a bit quiet, I could feel that he was going to bring it up again.

On my side, I slid my top off so that I was just in my sports bra and changed into sweatpants. From Harry's side, he threw over his black shirt that I wore to bed. I slipped it on and crawled next to him in bed, still without saying a word. Cat meowed and pounced on Harry's arm, making him squeal slightly, but that was the only noise that was made.

"So," Harry sighed.

"So," I echoed. "Fun day."

"Right, yeah." He agreed. "Very fun."

I didn't know what else to say. The whole day hadn't been as awkward as I would have imagined because Louis was with us the entire time, and the kiss we had shared when we were by ourselves for a few moments had me thinking that maybe he would never bring it up again. But here we were, and I knew exactly what was coming.

"I know you wanna talk about the picture thing." I blurted. "I can tell it's been on your mind all day."

Harry was silent for a few seconds. I think that it surprised him that I was bringing it up, but I knew that it was going to be brought up one way or another, and I just wanted to get it over with. Harry and I hadn't ever fought before, and if we were going to fight about this, I wanted to just get it done and over with.

"Yeah," He exhaled. "I'm just... I dunno. Why would you keep that from me?" He seemed frustrated. I didn't even have to look over to his side of the bed to tell. The way he spoke, the way his voice lowered... I could just tell.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled. "My dad sent me the picture and I thought I could just take the whole thing into my own hands and figure it out. The last thing I wanted to do was show you those pictures, Harry."

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