Chapter One

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The streets were dark and abandoned only illuminated by a few street lights. The only person out was a young woman who was probably somewhere in her twenties by the looks of it. She had her virtually black curly hair put up in a pony tail that didn't help much with some fringe hanging loosely in front of her face. She was wearing a Flowing pink and white tie-dye skirt with a white shirt. Obviously didn't put much effort into that outfit. She also had a messenger bag strewn across her chest. Her dark eyes were shaded towards the ground. Her shoes clicking on the pavement being the only source of noise. Her ebony skin glowed when she walked under a street lamp. She finally walked past the alley way I was in. I swiftly grabbed her and put my arm in front of her mouth to muffle her screams as I sank my fangs into her neck. Quickly pulling away from the repulsive blood as I shove her away.

"What the hell is wrong with your blood?!"I yelled breaking the silence of the night while spitting and gagging from the repulsiveness of it.

"Um..I have anemia, so that may be what you're tasting. But what the hell was that whole thing about?! Just dragging me into an ally way and trying to drink my blood?! What the fuck?!" She said surprisingly calm for the situation.

"You should really get that checked out. I will set up a doctors appointment for you, okay?" I stated worriedly pulling out a mobile phone from my pocket.

"No it's fine I don't need to go to the doctor." She said obviously wanting to leave.

"You should probably be on medicine for that it doesn't taste healthy at all" I said starting to really worry. "Maybe eat things with more iron in them"

"No thanks my diets fine the way it is, now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my apartment" She said casually while turning and beginning to walk away. She walked out of the alley way and walked down the street once again. I started to casually follow her hoping she wouldn't notice. She walked a few blocks down the road before turning towards an apartment building jiggling the nob before sighing in exasperation and resting her forehead on the door. She started to lash out at the door yelling profanities. After I recovered from the shock of watching her like that I rushed forward and grabbed her into my arms trying to calm her down somewhat. Clearly upset she breaks out of my grip and turns to face me. "What do you want with me?! What did I do to deserve this?!" She screamed hysterically tears rushing down her face. She quickly turns away and starts drying the tears that streamed down her face.  She turns and starts walking back the way she came leaving me standing there flabbergasted at what had just happened. I quickly turned my head to watch her leave curious as to what had just happened. I slowly start to regain my composure and follow her small form in the distance.

"Humans are so odd" I grumble catching up to her quickly her small form getting larger as I advance towards her. "What the hell am I even doing following some human around like some lost puppy dog anyways?" I continue to grumble following her. Until finally she turns into a parking lot of a motel. Is she seriously planning on staying here? This drab place? I sigh and continue to follow her hoping to not be noticed; when she suddenly whirls around obviously aggravated.

"Why are you following me?! Obviously I'm not delicious, so  bug off!" She snapped at me. I quickly grab her arm pulling her closer to me while lowering my face so it's level with hers.

"Don't you ever talk to me that way again" I sneer the venom dripping from my voice. She freezes obviously startled. I smirk and stand tall once again whilst regaining my composure.  Releasing her I coolly ask "So where are we staying tonight?"

"What do you mean we?! I am not going to stay with some guy I don't even know! Especially not when he is a vampire!" She raged obviously uncomfortable with the situation at hand. Sighing I roll my eyes and grab her by the arm a bit gentler this time of course.

"Well I have to make sure you have a better diet, that blood of yours cannot be healthy for either of us. Either way you also owe me a meal" I state keeping my eyes trained ahead of me the whole time. She soon loosens up after my words must have processed through her little human brain. 

I drag the girl in towards the motel office then stop at the door. I then turn towards her "Okay go get a room make sure it's for two and get two keys, Okay?" I tell her in a way she would hopefully understand. She looks up at me seeming to be in deep thought. Either she is considering what I said or has no clue what I meant. Maybe english isn't her native language?

"Why don't you get it yourself if you know what you want so well?" She remarks with a bit of sass. I lower my face so it's level with hers once again obviously causing her to be uncomfortable.

"Just do it, please." I coldly asked trying to be at least somewhat polite. She crosses her arms and turns away from me marching into the motel office. After a few minutes she walks back out with two keys. When she sees me she tosses me one of the two keys and continues to walk towards the room she got. Following after her we soon reach the room. She stares at the door with a blank expression

"Your rooms over there" She casually says while pointing towards the room next to her. I shrug and walk towards it before stopping turning towards her.

"I will pay you back in the morning" I tell her hoping she was listening. She just looks over her shoulder at me and nods before letting out a small yawn that she covered with a hand while turning away. I unlock the door to the motel room she rented out for me. I sat on the bed and took out my phone quickly dialing the numbers needed. "Hello? Yes it's me. No I don't need that. Please shut up. Thank you. I need the book you told me about last time. No not that one, When did you tell me about that one? Oh okay. Yes that's the one. Thank you. Bye." Ending the conversation I decided to crawl into the bed and take a nap. The next day I quickly looked out side at the sun rise shrugging I put on a hat and went out. Going to the girls door I knocked. I waited there for a few minutes then I knocked again. I then heard a crashing come from the other side. Stiffening I knocked again but this time more urgently. A minute later the door opened and a soaked female stood there.

"May I help you, vampire boy? Man? Whichever you would prefer?" She asked. Sighing in relief I loosened my muscles.

"May I come in?" I ask hoping the answer would be a yes. She looked at me considering her answer for a long while. it felt like an eternity before she answered.

"I guess so?"She said unsure of her answer. I then strutted into the room closing the door after me. She just stared at me for a few seconds before going to the bathroom and brushing her hair. I sat down on the bed and watched her for a few minutes before saying anything.

"What's your name?" I suddenly blurt out. She looks at me for a long while surprisingly making me uncomfortable so I turn to face away from her.

"How's this, for every question you ask I get to ask one. And if you lie I get to ask another one. Deal?" She said curtly staring me dead in the eye.

"Deal" I smugly said "Now answer my question" I demanded of her. She looked at me before sighing.

"I'm Melanie. Okay my turn. What's your name?" She asked while trying to tear her brush through her messy hair.

"Codac. My name is Codac."I replied, not going on in fear of another question. She looks at me for a long while with a, well, interesting facial expression. She sets down the brush and turns to face me crossing her arms over her chest, or well, under it I guess you could say.

"Codac." She says placing a hand over her lips in a quizzical manner. Pondering something that I may never know of. She stares me dead straight in the eyes making me uncomfortable once again. Why am I getting so uncomfortable with some human? I should just leave. I am about to stand when she sits next to me. Freezing I look at her out of the corner of my eye wondering what she wants with me. she continues to look at me quizzically. She finally moves and opens her mouth before shutting it once again looking away. Turning to face her I raise an eyebrow wondering what has her made her so awkward all of a sudden. She starts staring at her fingers while twiddling her thumbs. Bemused I continue to watch her. How can a human be so adorable? A slight smile pulls at the corner of my lips. I must have been staring for too long as she peers at me out of the corner of her eye with a slight blush painting her cheeks. "Can I help you with something?" She asked seeming unsure of herself. I can feel the heat rush to my face as I realize she probably knew I was staring the whole time. Caught off guard I can't find the words to reply to her question. I sat there with my mouth hanging open for a bit before I remembered that I can close my mouth. I just shrugged and looked towards the wall that seems so much more interesting at the moment.

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