Chapter Four

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"Ahem, well shall we be on our way?"He asks seeming to be still recovering from his adorably awkward stupor. His words finally process and I can't help but feel a bit panicked. We?! What does he mean by we?!

"What do you mean we? You can go where ever you would like to go, but I only paid for one night. So if you want to stay longer you're going to have to pay yourself." I remarked somewhat glad to finally be rid of his company. Although I guess there is a part of me that may miss him? I'm not really sure what that's all about. Probably plain old infatuation. Considering his looks it wouldn't be surprising. I look him up and down and actually take the time to take all of him in. Yep infatuation, definitely infatuation. Making my way back up to his face I realize that he caught me staring in a, well, disapproving manner. He had one of his eyebrows tantalizingly raised drawing me in. Quickly realizing what I'm doing I freeze and look away with a slight blush adorning my features. He didn't notice did he? I hope not, what if he did? I take a quick glance at him and see him looking confused. Obviously he noticed.

"Okay, Well I don't know what you think was going to happen but I have to pay you back yet and you still owe me a meal. Either way I forgot my wallet at home, so unless you don't want to be paid you are going to need to accompany me to my house." He said unsure of himself at first then growing confidence as he went on. Freezing in my spot I go over his words in my head multiple times trying to decipher what he means. Does he have an alternative motive for bringing me there? Is he going to kidnap me? He must have noticed the worry in my face as he begins talking once again "You don't have to go inside my house just wait on the curb, or on the doorstep is probably safer actually" I knit my eyebrows together wondering what he means by 'safer'.

"Do I even want to know why it would be safer on your front step?" I inquire kind of worried about the neighborhood he lives in. He lightly chuckles and looks up at me his obsidian eyes boring into mine obviously amused with my response.

"Do you honestly think a vampire would live with humans?" He asked engrossed in thought. While a smile graces his lips making him all the more handsome. My stomach did several flips completely confusing me on why. Am I falling ill? I grab my stomach wondering what I could have done to cause it to act in that manner. Getting my thoughts back together I look back up at the man in front of me. He was looking down at me seemingly worried.

"I didn't really think about whether you lived by humans or not to be honest" I sheepishly replied. He just chuckled once again looking towards my messenger bag.

"So are you ready, or is there anything else you need to grab?" He asks. Widening my eyes I remember that we were about to leave I nod curtly before throwing the messenger bag over my shoulder the strap going between my breasts.

"I need to stop by my apartment first then we can go to your house" I say moving towards the door then stopping in my tracks I turn back towards the tall man"I need your key by the way" I say waiting patiently as he digs through his pocket for the key. Finally pulling it out he reaches his arm out to hand it to me. I grab it making sure my hand doesn't brush against his. Then opening the door and taking a last glance at the room making sure I didn't forget anything. I leave not looking back to make sure he follows, walking towards the motel office once again. The sun burns my eyes as they adjust to the new found light. Entering the office I find it to be well, deserted. Looking around I try to decipher what may have caused the man to leave his post coming up with nothing I place the keys on the counter turning to leave before a tall figure stands in the door way blocking my path outside. It's obviously not Codac as this man isn't as skinny as he is.

"Hello, ma'am. May I help you with something?" He asks his southern accent apparent. I shake my head and move around him to leave. He pretends to not notice my efforts to leave and stands there analyzing me. now that I'm closer I see he has a horse shoe mustache and shaggy blonde hair framing his face. Giving up on trying to get past him I take a few steps back and look up at him.

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