Chapter Two

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I walk down the dark desolate street only light being given off is from the flickering street lights. All there is to hear that is the click clacking of my shoes as they meet the pavement. I raise my hand and brush my bangs away from my face hoping they haven't locked the apartment building up yet. I walk past an alley way when I am quickly dragged away from the street and into the alley an arm is roughly thrust in front of my mouth before I have the chance to scream. All of a sudden there is a searing pain in my neck. I start to panic wondering what they are doing to me and what they plan to do to me. Suddenly I'm shoved away from my captor. Stumbling I regain my balance as he gags and spits. I turn to look at him he is a handsome man with hair as dark as night. He has fair white skin. He is wearing a pair of jeans and a black shirt he is very tall probably somewhere around 6'. He looks pretty young, but looks can be deceiving. Then I notice his teeth, There are two teeth longer and sharper than the others. Almost, fang like.

"What the hell is wrong with your blood?!"He yelled breaking the silence that stood between us.

"I have anemia, so that may be what you're tasting. But what the hell was that whole thing about?! Just dragging me into an alley way and trying to drink my blood?! What the fuck?!" I said surprised at how calm and steady my voice sounded considering how scared I was.This really was not my week was it?

"You should really get that checked out. I will set up a doctors appointment for you, okay?" He stated pulling a mobile phone from his pocket.

"No it's fine I don't need to go to the doctor." I said wanting to just go home and eat some ramen.

"You should probably be on medicine for that it doesn't taste healthy at all" He said starting to sound worried. "Maybe eat things with more iron in them?"

"No thanks my diets fine the way it is, now if you'll excuse me I have to get back to my apartment" I said while turning and beginning to stiffly walk away. I walked out of the alley way and briskly walked down the street once again. Heading towards my apartment hoping and praying that the doors weren't locked. After a bit I finally reach the door to my apartment building I turn the nob hoping for it to open when it doesn't I start to frantically jiggle it. I slam my forehead against the door for a few seconds exasperated with my luck. Why can't anything go right for once? Noticing him coming ever so closer to me. I start frantically banging on the door hoping that they would open that anyone will open them even the ass who lives next door. "Fuck this shit! What the hell just open! Open already. Oh god just open please, just open I beg of you open these damn doors!" I scream willing anyone to open them; when I'm suddenly pulled into a strong embrace I freeze not knowing what to do. Is he going to kill me now? Is he going to kidnap me? What does he want from me? Why did he choose me? Out of all people why me? I break away from him turning to face him. "What do you want with me?! What did I do to deserve this?!" I screamed hysterically tears rushing down my face. I quickly turn away trying to hide my tear stained face and start drying the tears that streamed down my face. I turn back the way I came trying to ignore him and start walking towards the motel down the street hoping he won't follow me. I could feel his eyes burning holes into my back as I pick up my pace hoping he will just let me be.

"What the hell am I even doing following some human around like some lost puppy dog anyways?" I hear the strange man grumble from behind me.Why can't he get the message and just let me be?! I quickly turn into the parking lot hoping he will go away now that there is a chance he could be seen. After a bit it's obvious he won't be going anywhere so I turn around frustrated.

"Why are you following me?! Obviously I'm not delicious, so bug off!" I snapped at him. he quickly grabs my arm and roughly pulls me closer to him while lowering his face so it's level with mine. I freeze petrified of what he is going to do to me from my little out burst. Staring at him with big doe eyes hoping he won't kill me.

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