Chapter Eight

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The next day I walked out of my bedroom in my short shorts and a large T-shirt to find the bloodsucker passed out on the couch with a nature documentary blaring. I silently chuckle to myself before walking to the bathroom and taking a shower.

Once I'm out of the shower I dry myself off and get dressed. I brush my teeth and that whole shebang. Once out of the bathroom I peek into the living room to find that unsurprisingly Codac was still asleep. I walk over and turn the television off before sitting on the couch next to his snoozing form. I cannot help myself, so I gently slide his blonde hair away from his pale face. The contrast between my ebony skin and his translucent skin catching my eye. After a few moments of just watching the male sleep I reluctantly tear myself away. I make my way to the kitchen and begin preparing eggs. I silently smile to myself at the thought of the male in the room next to mine. The way his face rested against the arm rest of the couch. How his hair was all in disarray, but still looked adorable. Sighing in delight I ravish in the thought of how the morning light washed over his skin. I'm suddenly jolted from my thoughts when I smell my eggs beginning to burn. I quickly grab the pan and remove it from the heat before throwing the egg onto a plate. I silently laugh at my antics while slightly shaking my head. I'm such a school girl sometimes. Like I would ever find my Romeo. Walking over to the radio I consider turning it on for a few seconds before deciding that, yes, I do indeed want some music. 

I blast Wayward Son throughout the apartment while dancing around my kitchen using a whisk as a microphone. Once I made my way over to the opening into the hall I trip over my own two feet. I prepare for a hard fall when I realize that my body had never met the ground.  Two strong arms held me up before lifting me to my feet. Looking up I see Codac with a dashing smile on his face. Looking away slightly embarrassed I can't help but wonder just how much he had seen. I make my way back over to the radio turning it off before putting my 'Microphone' away. After all of that was done I turn back towards the male in the doorway. 

"Thanks for catching me. I can be a bit of a klutz I guess." I sheepishly tell the tall male.

"No worries" He replies looking around the worn down kitchen. 

"So, are you ready to go?" I ask fiddling with my hands while looking at the linoleum. 

"Sure." He says before grabbing the crook of my arm and dragging me out of my apartment and on to the streets below. Everyone is hustling by trying to go where they belong, or trying to find that place. I peek over at the male next to me wondering if we could ever belong. I look around a bit more the sun casting a cheery glow on to everything and everyone it touches. I quickly grab the tall males hand before dragging him with me down the street. 

Once we are a few blocks down I find the restaurant I wanted. Walking inside with the tall male close behind I walk over to a table sitting on one side and wait for Codac to take the other seat across from me. He looks around the restaurant before slowly crouching down in to the seat. Once within the seat he turns to me and offers off one of his dazzling smiles. I return the favor before directing my attention to the waitress waiting to tell us about the specials or whatever she does. Once our attention is on her she opens her big trap.

"Hello, welcome to Sunrise Family Restaurant. Our specials today are cheesy broccoli soup, sirloin steak and Caesar salad. Now what drinks will you have for today?" She asks way to excitedly for her job.

"Water for both of us please. Then I would like the pancake dinner." After saying this I turn to Codac to see him looking back at me.

"I will have the Sirloin Steak rare please" He says without removing his gaze from my own. The waitress nods before walking away to do whatever.

"So . . ."I start to say, but slowly drift off not knowing where to go with the statement. The male n front of me just continues to watch me. Causing me to squirm in my seat and look at everything but him. "You know it's rude to stare at people right?" I ask before looking down realizing just how rude that sounded. The male before me lets a deep baritone chuckle escape his lips causing me to look back towards him.

"Of course I know that. I apologize if I have made you uncomfortable. I just couldn't help myself." He says the last sentence causing me to look away once again. The only thing keeping him from seeing my face being my dark curly hair. The waitress then comes back with the drinks and surprisingly our food also, but before she could make it to our table she trips causing all of the food and drinks to end up on me. I slightly jump from the shock of it; Before looking down at my food covered form before breaking out in laughter at the way I must look. Codac then reaches over and pulls the sirloin off from on top of my head before beginning to nibble on it. This just caused my laughing fit to get even worse. The waitress just stood off to the side awkwardly watching us, or more specifically, awkwardly watching me. Once my laughing had died down I turn to the poor girl standing idly by.

"Can we take his steak to go? We don't need a box though. I believe he is fine with it the way it is." I chuckle at the last part while saying it. 

"Do you want to wash up first before going? I'm so sorry for spilling all of that on you." She frantically replied.

"Don't worry about it. It made me laugh, obviously. I can wash up at home too. A shower is always nice." I reply to the poor girl standing and placing a tip on the table before going over to the cash register to pay for the food.

Once the food was paid for we left the building walking back to my apartment. Codac continued eating his steak and I peeled off a piece of lettuce here and there. I kept taking quick glances at the male next to me. Trying to take in every detail of his face and how the fading light added some shading and contrast to his pale skin. Making him look almost deathly.

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