Chapter Five

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                Hurrying down the abandoned street I quickly glance down at Melanie. She was jogging to keep pace with me obviously scared I pull her a bit closer to myself in an attempt to make her more comfortable. Looking over I notice the sun rising in the east. Taking immediate action I quickly sweep the poor female off her feet and hold her bridal style as I start sprinting down the street trying to reach my house before anyone comes out of their houses. I quickly turn right at the Next Street and run past a handful of bland mansions. Until finally halting and just noticing that the poor girl was clutching to me for dear life with her face buried into my chest. Quickly walking up to the door of my estate I try lowering the girl to the ground but she just tightens her death grip on me. Sighing I maneuver her so I can get my keys out before unlocking my front door. I lower my head so it's next to the young girl's ear.

"Do you want to come in or would you like to wait out here?" I whisper into her ear feeling her tense in my arms. Slowly she begins to lift her face from my shirt her chocolate eyes looking up at me and her dark skin looking ravishing in the sunrise. For a moment I wanted to hold her close and never let her go. Make her mine. But quickly shoving those thoughts away I turn my attention to what the woman in my arms has started to say.

"Could I come inside?" She asks meekly turning her gaze away from me and towards the ever rising sun.

"Of course" I reply surprisingly happy with the reply she gave. Not putting her down I open the front door and walk inside my house; compared to the homes next door it's a modest little house, but compared to what the young woman in my arms is used to it's full of class. The house has been passed down through the generations of my family. It's made of sandstone it has plenty of old trinkets here and there right in front of us at the moment are two grand staircases that lead to the same place: the second floor. To the left would be the kitchen and dining room with all new appliances and vintage seating and dining table. To the right would be the living room with an art easel some paints and other assortments of that kind. Also over on that side of the building would be my study with a laptop, papers, quills, ink, and so many books most people wouldn't even want to count them. Upstairs are several bedrooms and a few bathrooms also another bathroom behind the stairs where the door between the stairs actually leads. Taking her into the outdated living room I set the poor girl on the couch as I go and scavenge for my wallet.

After what must have been half an hour of searching for the damned thing I find it on the kitchen counter. Grabbing the worn out leather wallet I walk back to the living room stopping in the doorway. I see Melanie standing there looking out the window. I can't take my eyes off of her after what seemed to only be a few seconds but what must have been a few minutes she turns and looks at me even more captivating at this angle causing me to take in a sharp breath. Am I imagining things? How can one be so beautiful? Finally snapping out of it I raise my hand with the wallet and a confused expression graces her features. Lowering my hand I walk towards her and start digging out a fifty. Finally reaching her I hand the bill to her expecting her to grab it. She just sits there. Staring at the bill then passing her eyes up to mine.

"Keep it" She commands before pushing my hand away causing an odd electric feeling to cascade up my arm. Tensing I nod and put the money back into my wallet before I reluctantly grab her hand once more pulling her out of the living room and up the stairs.

Once we reach the top of the stairs I can tell she is uncomfortable. I continue to guide the way until we reach my mother's old room. Dragging her inside the room I turn towards the young female. Noticing the distance between us and wanting to make it so there was no distance. To press her body against mine and just hold her. Quickly clearing my mind I address the room with my arms. "This will be your room for the night. There are clothes in the closet" I say the last part while I point to the door on the right. "And a bathroom with soap and whatever else you may need for whatever within" I say while addressing the door to the left." If you need me my room is at the end of the hall" I say before walking out and brushing up against her arm as I leave sending shivers down my spine and causing a thirst I have never felt before.

"Wait!" She says stopping me in my tracks. Looking over my shoulder I pay her my full attention. "Why would I need a room? Aren't I going to leave now? Well after I get you that dinner I owe you of course" She sheepishly questioned.

"It's not safe right now. Take care of whatever you may need to take care of then go to bed I will take you back tonight, or in your case tomorrow morning" I said keeping my face blank of emotion. Turning away I leave and walk down the hall towards my room. Trying to decipher why I felt such an aching pain at the words she uttered. Once I reach my room I place myself onto the bed thinking over the events of the day. My whole sleeping schedule is changed and now my feeding schedule has too. Lifting a shaking hand up I touch  the now protruding fang  that resides within my jaws. Thankfully for me I look human half the time, well in the mouth area at least. I'm VERY lucky I don't look like the rest of my species. Truly they are not all that attractive. Sighing I stand and move so that I'm nestled under the covers of my bed. Deciding that I should probably at least try to get some sleep even if it's not much.

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