Chapter Three

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"Ahem, well shall we be on our way?"I ask  still recovering from the awkward stupor we were in just moments before.

"What do you mean we? You can go where ever you would like to go, but I only paid for one night. So if you want to stay longer you're going to have to pay yourself." She remarked She sits there for a few seconds then begins to look me up and down confused as to what she was doing I quirked an eyebrow at her. Not agreeing with the behavior she is showing. She stiffens then quickly looks away with, what was that? A blush? Why would she even be looking at me in that manner? I stare at her trying to figure out why she's acting so, odd all of the sudden. She turns around and looks at me once again obviously embarrassed of the fact that I caught her looking at me in such a manner.  

"Okay, Well I don't know what you think was going to happen but I have to pay you back yet and you still owe me a meal. Either way I forgot my wallet at home, so unless you don't want to be paid you are going to need to accompany me to my house."I said still unsure as to what's wrong with her. She stiffens once again with a pensive expression gracing her features. Noticing the worried expression quickly work it's way onto her face I quickly add "You don't have to go inside my house just wait on the curb or on the doorstep would probably be safer actually" I inform thinking about my 'nice' little neighborhood

"Do I even want to know why it would be safer on your front step?" She inquired sounding worried. I lightly chuckle and look up at her staring at her mesmerizing Brown puppy dog eyes. She looks pretty cute when she's worried. Wait, what am I doing? I can't think like that about a human. She's off limits no matter how, attractive she may be.

"Do you honestly think a vampire would live with humans?" I ask still thinking about how cute she looked earlier and trying to get those thoughts out of my head. I will just finish my business with her then leave. Simple as that. Looking at her she has this, interesting facial expression that I can't read. She grabs her stomach suddenly looking confused. Is she okay? I looked down at her wondering if she was alright. Does she need to go to the hospital? I continue to worry for a minute or two when she looks back up at me.

"I didn't really think about whether you lived by humans or not to be honest" She sheepishly replied. I just chuckled again looking towards her messenger bag. 

"So are you ready, or is there anything else you need to grab?" I ask. She Widened her eyes and nods curtly before throwing the messenger bag over her shoulder the strap going across her chest.

"I need to stop by my apartment first then we can go to your house" She says skirting towards the door then stopping in her tracks she turns back towards the me"I need your key by the way" she says indignantly waiting patiently as I dig through my pocket for the key. Finally pulling it out I reach my arm out to hand it to her. she grabs it making an effort not to get anywhere near me. Then opening the door and taking a last glance at the room she leaves. I turn to double check that she didn't forget anything, as humans don't have the best memory. Or at least that's what I heard. Walking into the bathroom I find the brush Melanie was brushing her hair with just moments before. Grabbing the brush I it stick into my back pocket doing one last survey of the room as I leave heading towards the main office. 

"If you insist on helping me with something you could get out of my way" I hear as I near the office stopping in my tracks I try to think of where I've heard that voice before. Then it hits me the female that just spoke was Melanie. I continue to walk my normal pace wondering if this is something I should intervene in or not.  Finally I reach the door and peer in seeing Melanie standing there seemingly frozen to the spot with a disheveled look gracing her features. Seeming to have suddenly snapped out of it she came dashing out of the office and ran right at me almost knocking me over with her arms wrapping tightly around my neck. I froze not knowing how exactly to react before slowly slithering my hands around her waist respectively. Obviously scared I tried to comfort her with this small form of affection. I could feel the heat rushing to my face from such close contact with the small female. I never realized how fragile she seemed until I actually held her like this. Finally releasing her hold on me she steps back She looks up at me with a small smile making her face glow. "Thank you" She says the smile not faltering one bit as the words left her lips. She then turned away and starts walking towards where I believe her apartment building resides. Taking a few minutes to regain myself I follow suit casually walking hoping whoever caused her trouble wouldn't follow us.

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