Chapter Six

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Jogging to keep up with the tall male next to me we rush down the street. Terrified I try not to look at what may be lurking in the shadows. Suddenly the male pulls me into his side and continues to walk at his pace while I struggle to keep up, especially now that I'm flustered. Suddenly I'm swept off my feet by Codac, as he starts sprinting down the street. Scared of why we are running I bury my head into his chest and hang onto him for dear life. He quickly turns jostling me within his arms obviously he isn't used to carrying someone while running and it's taking a toll on him. Why would he go through all this trouble? What does he want with me? Why didn't he just leave me there? Finally he stops sprinting once again jostling me I can feel him moving his neck a little. What is he looking at? He once again starts moving this time at a much slower pace. He then tries to put me down. Scared that he was trying to sacrifice me or something I tightened my hold on the poor guy not wanting any of whatever we were running from to get me. He sighs while maneuvering me so that he was holding me up with one arm while the click of a lock unlocking sounded between our silence. He then lowers his head to my ear his hot breath gracing any showing skin in the area causing me to tense up, yet making me want to crash my lips against his and never let go.

"Do you want to come in or would you like to wait out here?" He whispers causing me to tense up even more. I slowly raise my face from his shirt looking up into his obsidian eyes thinking over my best options.

"Could I come inside?" I meekly question embarrassed for how my voice sounded I look towards the sunrise captivated by its beauty.

"Of course" He replies seemingly overjoyed by my response. He opened the door then strutted inside without setting me down. Slamming the door shut with his foot taking me into the outdated I believe it's a living room? He sets me down on the couch before leaving the room. I look around the room it's covered in old wallpaper at the moment I'm sitting on an old couch probably from the 60's? Who knows looking over towards the wall to the left of me there's an easel with paints and all kinds of other assortments. Getting up I go over to the window and look out taking in the surroundings of the little neighborhood. Who would have thought bloodsuckers would be so wealthy? I don't even know what I would do with this much money. Sighing I continue to watch the sunset. I don't know what it is but this sun seems different from the sun I'm used to.

I turn to face the doorway seeing Codac I wait to see why he ran off and why he is back. He raises his hand with a wallet in it causing me to furrow my eyebrows in confusion. Lowering his hand he walks towards me and starts digging through the wallet. Finally reaching me he tries to hand me a fifty dollar bill. I just sit there trying to figure out how to deny this offer, after all I don't need any handouts. Continuing to stare at the bill I then pass my eyes up to his.

"Keep it" I command before pushing his hand away causing an odd electric feeling to cascade up my arm. He nods and puts the money back into the wallet before reluctantly grabbing my hand once more pulling me out of the living room and up the stairs.

Once we reach the top of the stairs I stiffen wondering what he wants with me. He continues to guide the way until we reach a bedroom. Dragging me inside the room he turns towards me. He addresses the room with his arms. "This will be your room for the night. There are clothes in the closet" He says the last part while pointing to the door on the right. "And a bathroom with soap and whatever else you may need for whatever within" He says while addressing the door to the left." If you need me my room is at the end of the hall" He says before walking out and brushing up against my arm as he leaves sending shivers down my spine.

"Wait!" I say stopping him in his tracks. Looking over his shoulder he pays his attention. "Why would I need a room? Aren't I going to leave now? Well after I get you that dinner I owe you of course" I sheepishly questioned.

"It's not safe right now. Take care of whatever you may need to take care of then go to bed I will take you back tonight, or in your case tomorrow morning" He said keeping his face blank of emotion. Turning away he leaves. Leaving me in this old room all alone. Why isn't it safe? Sighing I forget about the questions racing through my mind knowing the answer is obvious. In this world, I'm the prime steak waiting to be eaten. Quickly brushing those thoughts aside I walk towards the bathroom. Opening the door slowly I peer inside while sticking my hand in groping the wall for a light switch once I find one the room is illuminated showing five star level kinds of class. It's all white with a Jacuzzi tub two sinks a steam shower and of course a toilet. Yep among all this it's just your average porcelain throne. walking in and closing the door behind me I quickly click the lock before starting the shower. Once the temperature of the water is to my delight I strip down and climb in.

After my shower I dried off and got dressed of course. I stood in front of the large mirror looking  myself up and down. I'm wearing some satin pajamas that I found in the closet. Why has this all happened? Why me? Sighing I tear myself away walking back to the bedroom. Looking around I let out a small yawn before deciding to curl up in bed.

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