Chapter 11: Freed

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   HOLAAAAA, babies!!! <3

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"I'd pass out just so Fico would carry me," my sister said, when asked what I should write at the beginning of this chapter.

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 I woke up in black sea of pillows and a blanket pulled up to my chin. My eyes examined the empty, dim, gloomy room. I vaguely remembered Fico carrying me to the bed and setting me down. 

On cue, my bedroom door opened.  I expected it to be Fico. My heart stomach involuntarily fluttered. Stop that

It was a false alarm. Instead of Fico entering the room, it was a cute, elderly woman wheeled a silver cart into the room.

"Ciao! I knew you'd be beautiful, I knew it!" she beamed, and flicked on the–of course–black lamp on the nightstand. "Sorry, sorry. I get excited. I work for Fico. You sleep well, yes? I am Gina, by the way."

"Oh..." Flustered, I didn't know what to say for a moment. Why was this woman so excited to meet me? "I'm... Samantha." I felt the black comforters with my hands and wondered where Fico was. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Not too long." Gina smiled to herself as she uncovered a delicious assortment of food. "Dr. Bianchi said you must rest. I bring you homemade food. You like food, yes? You will eat everything I make you?" Then she stared at me, as if the only option was 'yes'.

"Yes," I laughed out. "I love food."

"I like you, then." Gina propped me up a little higher and fluffed my pillows. "I take care of Fico when he was baby. When he was little. This big." She estimated with her hands, but then thought twice about her estimate, and widened the space. "Actually, he was bigger than that. He was chubby baby. Big baby. Fat. Everyone used to make jokes. Say I feed him too much. What? I tell them, what you know about baby? Babies like to be fat, I say. Baby Fico was happy baby."

This woman was cracking me up. "Do you happen to...have any photos of chubby Fico, perhaps? Anything...embarrassing?"

"Oh, yes! Of course! This one my favorite. I keep." Gina reached into her apron and pulled out a photo of a very chubby, very Italian looking baby. The baby's mouth was open in a big, unlike-Fico, toothless smile. I couldn't help but grin. "You have that copy, ok? I have plenty copies. You can compare photo to your babies, when you give birth. I bet you and Fico's babies will be chubby, like baby Fico. Very chubby, you see."

"Wait, what?" I started to hand the photo back to her. " Fico and I...we're not... I...yeah, no..." I thought for a moment. "I mean...yes, but no. Definitely, definitely, no."

"You are silly." Gina was smiling like a bandit. "He's very handsome, no? Strong? Smart? Provider?" She sounded as if she was selling him to me. "He works out, you know. Big shoulders, just like his father."

"Fico has a nice body," I agreed.

"You think he's handsome, then?"

I felt my face go red. "Yeah, he's handsome..."

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