Chapter 5

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I was completely zoned out. I sat there on the bed, staring at... something. I wasn't paying attention. There, I stayed, all afternoon and night until the moon bared it's face in the dark starry night sky, letting me know that I could go back to sleep. Before I knew it, it was Friday, December 11th, the last day until the sweet, sweet start of my 2 week Winter Break .This meant I would finally get a break from the endless torment that was Turnerson Bellows High School.

Christmas was coming up, obviously. But all I was really looking forward to was sleep. Just as I was finishing my contemplation, my mom walking in. She stopped by the door so she could leave soon.

"Hey, Valeri, are you alright?" she asked. I didn't respond, I just lightly shrugged and continued to stare into space, filled with numbness.

"Well, you know Christmas is comin' up!" she said enthusiastically.

"Oh." I blatantly stated. Her smile lessened majorly. She huffed and puffed. Although I wasn't utterly unresponsive, my mother could clearly sense my absence. My mind was off somewhere, and I didn't know exactly where.

"Valeri... I signed you up for some therapy sessions." she blurted.

Well, that brought me back. I snapped my head in her direction, facial expression showing disapproval.

"What?! Why would you do that? I'm fine!" I argued. She held up her hand to shush me and cut me off; rude.

"Oh, give me a break, Valeri! You barely eat, you can't keep a conversation going with anybody, and you spend all day in your room and you come out for anything. What else was I supposed to do?!" she countered. I scrambled out of bed to look her right in the eye.

"Uh, I don't know, ASK ME instead of signing me up for some fortune teller crap without any idea of what I had to say about it!"

"I tried! Okay, I tried but there's only so much information I can get when I'm the only one talking!" she barked. Things got very silent. I sucked in my cheeks and rolled my jaw in stubbornness. I folded my arms tightly across my chest.

"I'm not going." I said, letting it be known that I wasn't kidding.

"Oh, yes you are." she reassured me.

"No, I'm not." I retorted, stern and flat out.

"I paid good money for that session and you are not going to throw it away!"

"It's not my fault you paid in advance."

"Valeri Elizabeth Pilou..."

"That's my name..." I confirmed sarcastically. She curled her lip in frustration. Then her face turned soft.

"Valeri. Please... do this for me. I just want to see you happy again." she said. That got me. Why was she so hard to say no to?! Fight or no fight, I loved my mom. If she really wanted me to go to this therapy session, how bad could it be? I thought that it was the least I could do for her. I slowly nodded.

"Fine." I said. Her face brightened.

"Great! Hop in the car." she instructed as she turned and started down the hall.

"Wait, now?" I asked.

"Yeah, we have to be there in 30, let's go!" she urged, already halfway down the steps. I groaned as I turned around and threw on some clothes.

The Unrealities of Greendale (1/3) *Being Edited*Where stories live. Discover now