Chapter 10

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I'm sad to say that this is the final chapter of this short story. But, don't fret, cause I got a sequel coming your way! And I'm introducing my new project; "How We Said Goodbye" (HWSG), shortly after.

Enjoy Lovelies!

Lots of love<3,

Brianna :D


My eyes slowly opened, and I felt completely blinded by an enormous white light. I blinked rapidly, my eyes blindly shifting from side to side as they adjusted to the lighting. I felt shock and horror pulsing through me as I saw everything. But I couldn't see very clearly.

Deja Vu. Definitely. I'd seen this before. I was sitting in a hospital bed with my mother sitting next to me. My father and aunt Bernice were crying while standing at the foot of my bed. But Evan was nowhere to be found.

What is happening?

I tried to say something, but I felt as if words were not an option. I didn't know how or if I could speak.

Suddenly, my mother's eyes opened as her tears stopped falling, her puffy eyes looking at me with utter shock. Her mouth parted, opening slightly. She reached behind her without taking her eyes off of me, waving her hand violently to get my family's attention.

"She's... she's awake..." she stuttered. "She's AWAKE!" Tears were falling again as she covered her mouth. My dad and aunt Bernice looked at me with stunned faces.

I noticed I could barely feel my limbs. My legs were close to numb, along with my arms. I could move my head, but not too much. I could move it slightly at first, but then my neck started to gain feeling, permitting me to move it freely. I looked around in fear, eyeing the needle that was pierced into my forearm, pumping unknown fluid into my body. I heard the rapid beeping of the heart rate monitor by my side, but inside, I knew my heart had officially stopped.

Before I could speak, I saw Evan through the glass window outside of the room. My breathing deepened, heart jumping back to life as if the sight of Evan gave me an electric shock. My eyes became glazed over with sensations that I couldn't determine. I felt everything. My mouth departed, opening in surprising and forming an "o."

Blinking slowly, I realized that I was staring at Evan, yet this was not the Evan I had come to know. This Evan was beaten down, like the fight in him had been extinguished long ago. His sparkling eyes were dull, flat, lifeless. It was an Evan that was weary, drained, one that had absolutely nothing left to give. It severed my heart to see this Evan; this broken, desperate Evan.

He was standing there, talking to a doctor. His face seemed stern and irritated, like the doctor told him something he didn't want to hear.

My father rushed out of the room, anxiously getting the doctor's attention. What they were saying was inaudible to my ears, but I knew that he told him I was awake. But how had I awaken? What had I awaken from?!

I saw Evan turn as if he was about to run in and follow them, but the doctor placed a hand on his chest, stopping him and saying something I couldn't hear.


He just touched Evan. He just talked to Evan...

Was he real?! Could other people see him?! My brain was moving too slowly for me to spend too much time thinking about it. It was like my head was fuzzy, but when I concentrated on one thing, it moved in slow motion.

Evan's face looked disappointed and distressed as he looked through the glass, his honey green eyes holding a gaze with mine. His expression changed from one of despair to one of complete shock. He ran his hand through his disheveled hair, then rubbed his face. I noticed his face seemed angular and starved, pale and deprived. His hollowed eyes and pointed nose seemed to cast shadows on his face.

The Unrealities of Greendale (1/3) *Being Edited*Where stories live. Discover now