Chapter 6

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I completely forgot the shoutouts! This chapter's shoutout is dedicated to 1000lovestories. You're awesome!

Thank you so much for reading.

Announcement, Quentin's name had been changed to Logan, so don't be confused if you see that.



I snapped up, scrambling and clutching the sheets as I felt a scream dart from my throat. It was dark and I realized it had been a dream. But I felt like I was still dreaming. I rubbed my temples as I buried my face in my knees, resting my back against the headboard. I glanced up and saw a dark figure by the corner. I gasped loudly as his face was suddenly illuminated by the street lights when he took a step forward. I knew those golden green eyes like the back of my hand. I hated myself for feeling some sense of joy when I realized it was Evan.

"Evan?" I questioned. I stared a little closer, but his figure slowly started to fade. And then he was just... gone.

Was I still dreaming? Was I awake and I imagined that or was this all some weird dream with a lot of dimensions? Cause I was beginning to get extremely confused. I huffed in disappointment, paralyzed to the fact that Evan was still on my mind. I sat there with my elbows propped up against the bed, holding me up. When I regained feeling, I ran my hand through my hair before forcing myself to sleep.

I don't remember sleeping much though.


The following morning, I had another therapy session with Dr. Pestode, so I got up and showered, throwing on some thick, dark jeans, a mint green sweater, and some black boots. I slid on a black beanie and a circle scarf before tossing on my jacket and heading out the door. I saw my mother in the driver's seat, ready to go with the engine warmed up, its hot exhaust being exaggerated as it hit the frigid winter air. Naked trees pierced the pearly white sky as snowflakes slowly fell to the ground, one landing on the tip of my freezing nose. I shivered at the icy wind that chilled me to the bone as I hurried into the passenger's seat, grateful to catch a break from the relentless December breeze.

My mom's Verano cruised down the street. I soon found myself back in front of Dr. Pestode's office, prepared to air out all that I was feeling. To be honest, talking to someone about all this was a quite liberating feeling.

"So how is everything going?" Dr. Pestode asked, a warm smile lighting up her face. I slightly shrugged.

"It's not too good, to be honest. I actually think it might be getting worse." I stated. Her lips turned into a firm line as she tapped her chin gently.

"Mhmm." I sat there, wondering what "mhmm" meant. As usual, she started scribbling on her notepad.

"Tell me why you think things are getting worse." she ordered. I sighed while folding my hands over my lap.

"I saw him last night. And it just seems like I'm lost. I'm still upset and I still want to be around him. I mean, he's showing up in my dreams again..." I huffed in frustration before finishing. "I just can't seem to think about anyone else. Even when I am, he's still in the back of my mind."

"Do you take medication?" she asked. I nodded.

"Maybe you should consult your doctor and see if you can get stronger medication." she suggested. I raised my eyebrows as I thought about it, slowly nodding.

"Okay... that could work." I said, a little happier.

"In the meantime, have you been focusing on other things?" she asked.

The Unrealities of Greendale (1/3) *Being Edited*Where stories live. Discover now