Chapter One ~ First Meeting.

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"Another day in hell, yay!" Chloe sarcastically spoke while her and her best friend since year seven, Shannon Sykes, walked through the freshly polished double doors of the University Of London where both girls attended.

Glancing over to her five foot two best friend, a slight chuckle escaped her lips as she did so. Shannon walked, shaking her head like (as Chloe not so nicely says it looks like) a dog shaking it's wet fur to rid it of water as an attempt to put her wind blown messed up fringe back into it's rightful place. Shannon looked over to Chloe and rolled her hypnotic Maya blue with flecks of apple green eyes. Chloe always thought Shannon was beautiful even on first meeting and still to this day is true.

"It's not that bad." Shannon responded as both walked down a never ending corridor to the music department where the two spend ninety nine percent of their time.

"Says you who loves school, miss hundred percent attendance." Chloe rolled her mesmerising turquoise blue eyes and adjusted the strap of her green and silver Harry Potter Hogwarts crest shoulder bag.

"Says you miss always skiving." Shannon retorted back, opening the door into a empty music classroom.

Chloe entered the deserted classroom before Shannon, thanking her for opening the door for her before sorting the tangled mess her dirty blonde curly hair had became in wind.

"Oh shush." Chloe playfully ordered as she and Shannon placed both their bags upon the closest vacant table. "Do you hear that?"

"What?" Shannon questioned before the two fell silence.

Soft sounds of guitars,drums and a heavenily singing voices could be heard in the silence of the classroom. Easily, the girls could make out the soft hum of music to be '22' by Taylor Swift, one of Chloe's favourite songs at the moment. Looks were exchanged before the girls followed the sound of the music, it's volume increasing the closer they get. Outside a solid oak door is where the music became it's loudest.

"Should we knock?" Shannon asked while playing around with a lock of her mousey brown pin straight hair.

"Yeah... You should though, go on!" Chloe replied before Shannon protested;

"No way, you knock!"

"No you!"


"NO YO-"

"Hello...?" A male voice spoke, interupting Chloe's and Shannon's argument.

Both froze before turning and looking at the owner of the voice... Along with his three friends.

"Hi..." Shannon awkwardly greeted, going a light shade of crimson.

"Ermm... What are you doing?" The boy who spoke first asked.

Shannon stood staring at the brown curly haired and brown eyed boy as though he was walking perfection (which to Shannon he actually was). Both seemed to be having a stare off although

"Sorry... We heard you and wondered what it was." Chloe informed, awkwardly smiling before taking glances at each indiviual boy, analysing each as she did.

The smallest, which stood on the end to the left of the brown curly haired boy had light brown hair which was spiked to the side and glistening blue eyes. To the right of the brown haired boy was the tallest of the four (probably around the height of six foot) his blonde hair was spiked up and just like the other boy had sparkling blue eyes. Next to him stood the final boy, to Chloe he was pure perfection. His blonde hair was spiked just like the one next to him and had captivating blue eyes, which stared back at her.

"It's okay, anyway we have to go... See you later?" The light brown haired boy on the end asked with a wink before they all walked off leaving the girls to control themselves...

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