Chapter Nine ~ Scans And Shopping.

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Four months later, Shannon and Brad were on their way to their first scan to tell them the gender of their baby. After a short ten minute wait in the pure white hospital waiting room, the midwife called them in. 

Brad helped Shannon upon the blue reclined chair in which a montor and various different machines and such sat next to it. Shannon pulled up her blue and white checkered t-shirt so the nurse could apply the cold ultrasound gel onto her four month baby bump. 

Estatic smiles painted both Shannon's and Brad's lips as they watched the black and white fuzzy picture of their growing baby on the montor screen. Excitment overcame their body's as they watched the screen in awe. 

"Well the baby is looking perfectly happy, would you like to know the gender?" The midwife asked, looking over at both Shannon and Brad. 

Shannon and Brad both exchanged looks before both nodding.

"Okay, I'll be back in a minute with the results." She replied with a friendly smile before walking out of the room into a smaller one. 

A couple of minutes passed of Shannon and Brad talking about whether the baby will be a boy (Which Brad thinks it'll be.) or a girl (Which Shannon thinks it'll be.) The midwife walked back in with the same smile on her face. 

"Congradulations, you're having a girl!" She exclaimed. 

Shannon looked over to Brad before smirking and saying; "Told you." 

"I don't care, we're having a little girl!" Brad replied, kissing her softly. 

Once they were done with the scan, Brad suggested to go baby shopping so off they went to Birmingham Shopping Centre as they were in Brad's hometown to tell his family the baby news. 

Mothercare was their first destination to buy various different items they need for the baby. Once they had picked the cot and car seat they now needed the pushchair in which their was a few arguments about which one. 

"Brad, let's get the pink one!" Shannon argued, pointing to a light pink pushchair. 

"What about the black or blue one!" Brad argued back, pointing to a black and a blue pushchair. 

"But we're having a girl so we need a pink one not a blue one!" Shannon replied. 

"Black is unisex though and I'll stupid walking around with a bloody pink pushchair!" Brad retorted. 

"Fine, get the black one then." Shannon sighed, getting annoyed with the argument before walking off over to the clothes. 

Five minutes later, Brad appear next to her with the pink pushchair in the trolly. 

"I thought we were getting the black one?" 

"If my baby wants the pink one then I'll have to suffer the embrassment of walking around with it." Brad shrugged. 

"You don't have to!" Shannon replied. 

"But I want to because I love you and our little girl." Brad smiled, placing his lips upon Shannon's.

"I love you too." Shannon smiled back. 

Meanwhile, James and Chloe were currently in the brilliant white painted waiting room waiting to be seen by the midwife. Five minutes later, the midwife called them in. James helped Chloe on to the reclined blue hospiltal chair as the midwife prepaired the ultrasound. Pulling up her Deathly Hallows sign t-shirt, the nurse applied the freezing cold gel to her ever growing baby bump. 

Excited smiles etched onto both James' and Chloe's lips as they watched the fuzzy montor screen picture turn into a quite clear black and white picture of their growing baby. 

"He's looking quite healthy, congradulations. 

"He?" Chloe asked. 

"Oh sorry, didn't you want to know the gender? " The midwife asked. 

"No, no, we did! We're having a little boy, Princess." James smiled, placing his lips upon hers. 

After the scan, Chloe and James had planned to go baby shopping so they headed towards the nearest shops in James' hometown of Bournemouth where Chloe and James were staying to tell James' family about the baby news. 

They soon found a Mothercare in which they headed in buy the nessicarys for the baby including a cot, car seat, pushchair and everything else. Looking around the toy section was where the arguments broke out due to disagreements involving the stuffed animals and which to buy. 

"Look James, a giraffe teddy! We have to get it!" Chloe exclaimed, picking up a medium sized fluffy giraffe stuffed animal. 

"But the penguin one is cuter!" James argued, picking up a same sized fluffy penguin one. 

"The giraffe one is, look at it!" Chloe replied, pushing the toy closer to James' face. 

"Look at the penguin one! He'll love it!" James responded, also pushing his toy closer to Chloe's face. 

"Well, he'll love the giraffe one more." Chloe argued. 

"Maybe he doesn't like giraffes." James shrugged. 

"Maybe he doesn't like penguins." Chloe retorted.

"Are we really arguing about this, maybe he'll like both." James sighed. 

"Can never have too many cuddly toys!" Chloe shrugged. 

"Exactly, then he can choose which is better. Obviously he'll choose the penguin though." James smirked as he put both animals into their already full trolly. 

"Shut up." Chloe rolled her eyes. 

"You love me really." James smirked once more, kissing Chloe on the lips softly. 

"I do love you." Chloe giggled before James replied;

"And I love you too." 

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