Chapter Fifteen ~ 4 Years Later.

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"Ethan Joseph Simpson! No! Don't touch that!" Brad yelled at his four year old son across the small yet beautiful gift shop in Somerset where the family was having a day out.

Brad ran over to the four year old and scooped him up in his arms. Shaking his head at his giggling son who looked almost identical to his father with chocolate brown curls and dark brown eyes, he walked over to his wife and eight year old daughter Savannah. Ethan was a very cheeky child, always wondering off and annoying hi

s older sister yet he was very musically talented like his father.

"Mom, can we go to the beach now? Pleaseee!" Savannah asked, pulling her best puppy dog eyes.

Savannah had grew up to be just like her mother, the same mousey brown hair and dimple on her cheek but however she still had her fathers brown eyes. Savannah enjoyed spending her time reading or playing her guitar that Brad had brought her and began teaching her.

"Of course darling, let's go."

The four made their way towards the sandy beach where hundreds of holiday makers, locals and day trip people are located. Little children walking across the sand, stopping every so often to pick up small rocks, shells, pebbles, drift wood and anything they found an interest in. Old couples happily strolled across the sand, a golden retriever sprinting ahead. Waves crashed along the shore while the strong salt smell wafted into the family nostrils as they walked across the beach as Ethan and Savannah ran ahead, splashing water at each other and also picking up odd bits of discarded

Shannon and Brad strolled along the beach at their own pace, hands intertwined perfectly as they reminisced on everything that has happened to them. Brad and Shannon couldn't be happier. Shannon was now a highly qualified history teacher and history book author while Brad had achieved his dream of being in an successful and famous band.

"Eight years later from when we met and I still can't believe I have you but look at us now, married and have a beautiful family together." Brad smiled, looking over to his wife.

"I know, it's amazing."

"You're amazing."

"You're cheesy!" Shannon laughed as Brad merely shrugged and planted a small peck upon her lips.

"I love you, Sweetheart."

"I love you too."

Across Britain in London Zoo, James and Chloe were currently celebrating their four year old daughters, Summer Grace, fourth birthday along with their other two children; Lucas 'Luke' Matthew McVey (who was currently at the age of one) and their eldest child Jaydon Christopher McVey (who currently was eight).

"Look Mommy, giraffes! You like giraffes don't you!?" Summer exclaimed, pulling her mother over to the giraffe enclosure. "Their is five of them, like us! See, that one's Daddy because he's the tallest then that one is you Mommy then those two can be me and Jay! The baby one is obviously Luke!" Summer explained, pointing to each individual giraffe as she described who they are.

"Wow! You're right! Why don't you go into the giraffe house with Jay while me and Daddy stay here? Okay, you better tell me if their is any inside though!" Chloe questioned her daughter who instantly nodded and ran away into the giraffe house, pulling her older brother with her.

Jaydon resembled James the most out of the three children; his bright blue eyes, blonde hair and amazing musical talent made him almost identical to his father. Summer however, resembled her mother more with her talent at art and English along with her curly blonde hair and blue eyes. Luke was difficult to decide which parent he resembled the most due to his age of only one but although he too had blonde hair and bright blue eyes.

"Eight years on and I still keep falling for you as hard as I did the first time." James voice spoke from beside Chloe, wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her close to his body.

Both were as happy as ever, they had both achieved all their widest dreams. James had made his dream of being in an successful and famous band while Chloe made her dream of being an art teacher while also being an famous author and illustrator come true as well.

"I know, now we have a beautiful family and marriage." Chloe smiled, taking the babbling Luke from James arms.

"Too right we do." James spoke, poking Luke's nose making the baby giggle. "I love you, Princess."

"I love you too." Chloe replied, placing her lips upon James.


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