Chapter Eight ~ Unexpected news.

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A week later after the boys had left to join Mcfly in their 'Memory Lane' tour, both Shannon and Chloe were still in their hometowns and were planning a trip to see their boyfriends when they perform at London with McFly. 

Chloe sat in her front room with her older brother Alfie, in the middle of filming a video for his Youtube channel 'PointlessBlog' when the familiar feeling of sickness that she had felt multiple times over the past couple of days overcame her before she quickly rushed upstairs to the toilet where she began to be sick. 

In seconds a comforting hand rubbing circles on her back could be felt by Chloe and in an instant she knew it was Alfie because firstly, they were the only two in the house and second, she heard him following her up and shouting her name on the way. 

"Are you okay?" He asked, concerned once Chloe had stopped being sick and had placed her forehead on the cold surface of the toilet seat. 

"Alf, what would you do if I told you that I think I may be pregnant?" Chloe asked in a whisper, raising her head up off the toilet seat to look at Alfie who wore a shocked and surprised expression. 

"I'll say, first you need to take a test then tell James." Alfie responded, before standing up and outstretching his hand for Chloe to take.

After brushing her teeth they both left for the chemist to purchase a pregnancy test. Once they had brought one they both returned home where Chloe rushed upstairs to take it. The couple minutes for the test to show the two pink lines showing that she was in fact pregnant passed as slow as it could, making Chloe feel sick in nerves once more. 

"Fuck..." Chloe mumbled before opening the bathroom door to show Alfie the postive preganacy test. 

"Everything will be okay in the end, trust me. I'll be here if you ever need me, now you have to go tell James." Alfie spoke into her hair as he pulled her into a tightly brotherly hug. 

Meanwhile, in Gloucester Shannon and Nathan were currently messing about, singing and dancing on a Twitcam to thousands of members of the TWFanmily. In the middle of them dancing around to Blue's 'One Love', a wave of sudden sickness that she had been feeling for the past couple of days overcame her once more making her rush off in the middle of the song to the nearest toilet to empty her stomach in. 

"Shann, you okay?" Nathan's voice spoke from outside the shut bathroom door. 

"No..." Shannon replied before Nathan opened the bathroom door to see Shannon kneeling down in front of the toilet with her reddened face in her hands. "Nath, I think I'm pregnant." 

"Well, the only way to be certain is to take a test then you have to tell Brad, so come on." Nathan sighed, standing up from his former position kneeling on the floor; rubbing Shannon's back in a comforting way. 

Shannon took his hand that was outstretched in front of her before she quickly brushed her teeth then continued to follow Nathan out of their childhood family home and too the nearest chemist to purchase the pregnancy test before quickly making their way back home. As soon as they entered the house, Shannon bolted up the stairs and into the bathroom where she instantly began to take the pregnancy test.

The couple of minutes for the pregnancy test to show the results passed very, very slowly for both Shannon and Nathan. 

"Shit..." Shannon mumbled to her self as she looked down at the double pink lined positive result of the pregnancy test in her hand. 

She opened the bathroom door to show her patiently waiting brother outside who sighed once more before enveloping her into a tight hug. 

"Everything will be okay, trust me. If you ever need anything, I'll be there. Now go tell Brad." He muttered into her hair. 

A one hour car journey later for Chloe and a two hour one for Shannon both girls arrived at Wembley Arena where The Vamps were supporting McFly that very evening. Security let both girls enter the backstage area once they presented their backstage passes James and Brad had sent to them in advance for when ever they decided to visit them on tour. 

"Have you seen James and Brad?" Shannon asked Tristan who they bumped into walking down a never ending corridor which they had no idea where it lead. 

"Shann! Chloe! Yeah, follow me there in the dressing room!" Tristan exclaimed before turning around and began to walk back down the corridor he had just walked down. 

"And here we are! They're in there, I have to go get some food for us all so see you soon!" Tristan bid Shannon and Chloe a farewell along with a hug before walking off once more. 

Chloe opened the door slowly to reveal both Brad and James sitting on the two separate sofa's in the dressing room, busy on their phones doing what ever. 

"Sweet heart!" Brad shouted once he looked up from his phone to see Shannon standing there before he scrambled up off the sofa and ran over to her, engulfing her into a bone crushing hug. "I missed you."

"I missed you too but I need to tell you something important." Shannon informed Brad who suddenly looked nervous. 

"Okay, let's go somewhere else and leave them two alone." Brad spoke, guiding Shannon out of the room to a different vacant one filled with instruments of every kind imaginable. 

"Er, well I don't really know how to say this so I'm just gonna come out with it. Brad, I'm pregnant." Shannon said with a sigh at the end, looking down at the wooden floor below her. 

"I'm gonna be a daddy?" Brad asked with a excited tone. 

"Yeah, are you not mad or gonna leave me?" 

"Mad? Leave you? Why would I do that? I'm gonna have a family with the girl I love, I would never leave you." Brad stated pressing his lips to hers. 

"I love you too, Brad." Shannon mumbled against her lips.

"I can't wait for him or her to arrive." Brad smiled, placing his hands upon Shannon's slowly growing stomach. 

"Princess!" James yelled once he noticed Chloe at the door before jumping up off the sofa and running over to her, enveloping her into a tight hug. "I missed you." 

"I missed you too but James, I have something to tell you; something important." Chloe sighed, taking a large intake of oxygen before continuing with her news; 

"Long story short, you're going to be a daddy." 

"For real?" He asked, excited. 

"Yeah, I'm sorry. If you want to leave me I un-" Chloe began to go on and on before James interrupted her with a passionate kiss. 

"Leave you? Don't be stupid. We're going to have a family, Princess. Me and you. I love you." James spoke with a wide smile. 

"I love you too." Chloe smiled. 

"I can't wait for you too arrive." James whispered, placing his hands upon Chloe's stomach. 

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